I have a 1978 GS1000 that I am turning into a little bracket racer. I got it from a fool who "ratted" the bike up but for what I wanted it was a good deal- or so I thought. I tried to crank the motor with the starter to check compression but nada. Long story short the sheetmetal cover to my starter clutch has a nice big whole where some parts decided to go on vacation.
I want to rebuild the clutch to make it work for race bike purposes. I am have removed the rotor from the inner hub alrready but I am lost from here on out on what mods to do. I need some help in how to put the clutch back together so that it will last the light duty associated with race days (dont want to spend $200 on a new one; I'd just put an external starter on it)
What tricks are the selfstart guys doing that I havent figured out yet; sharing is caring they say!
I know Ray has helped some guys and the guy from across the pond has done it, and I know some other drag/road racer guys on here have done the same thing.
If anyone can help me out I would appreciate it. I also need the small parts as some decided to leave without permission.
PS I am in Dayton Oh so any local guys that want to help I'd be happy to use your knowledge
