Yeah pro cutting and 1-2-3 auto (no kill) shifting is hard on the parts of the outpput shaft. The clips seperating the gears take a beating too.. I got 2 years out of the 4th gear slider that engages 1st gear and 3rd. the shift fork pin sheared also, so there are teeth,dogs,and a shift fork pin in the pan.. The horrible noise and sliding to a stop on the track was un nerving to say the least. The rear locked up at 60 or 50 mph. I was all over the front brake too!! I have a license to prove I can handle a dangerous situation like this -- NO CRASH! I walked the bike like a wheel barrel off of the track when the safety official arrived. Everyone was happy to hear no oil on the surface
I'm amazed that there was such little damage inside.
I have a special place I put the failed parts, it is called my hall of shame. When you make 'em big and run 'em hard you'll get some of this... upon us all a little rain must fall - or whatever gets your mind off of how much it costs to rebuild it.. I need a loan for 6 million dollars and some alien technology


My Trans from this weekend

and another 2 valve that dropped out of the head

had to cut this one to remove it , boy the C chamber was toast, I scraped the whole head and started over.
Do you guys have a collection or a shrine to honor the ugly side of racing?