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I wanna do the 2 step...
Originally posted by bellucci View Post
Drag bike
Sorry Belluchi I got the bike. Im so excited like a kid at Christmas. Chech eBay just seen a car tire bike near you on eBay now.
motocycle shawn
Bellucci, I seen the bike for sale back in December. I was laid off at the time and didn't want to spend any extra money at that time of year plus not working. Now back to working full time I contacted the owner I was super surprised he still had the bike. I jumped in the truck and drove the 14 hours round trip without thinking twice. I'm so excited to race this bike. I took it for a short ride Saturday, I'm still smilingI have seen a few bike popping up its that time of year. Good luck bellucci
I am glad you are excited about the bike. I just got my motor back from Bob the Builder with fresh rings,springs and cam timing. I am going to put it back where it belongs and go have fun. If I stumble into some more money, I will get a true race frame and start from scratch. This is a little video from last year. I am the squirlley one on the red es...
Curtsigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On
just what the doctor ordered Belluccithose 5.5 slicks really move around if you don't hold very still. 7's do much better at letting you wiggle in the saddle
BTW just picked up a 83 ES up in fond du lac last night
here is one from last year - crank it up!
SUZUKI , There is no substitute
Motor back where it belongs
With the help of a couple friends, the motor is back in the frame. I hope to hace the majority of the nuts and bolts tightened and fresh Rotella in the crankcase. Bob the builder will do a retorque after a few heat sequences and then a little around town miles to seat the rings. Will have updates to how fun it feels in a week or so. After that, off to the track we go...
Curtsigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On
trip - was that the one for $1250 obo with the white/blue seat?
I was really considering that bad boy.
I am healing pretty good. I do have nerve damage and that makes my left hand numb all the time. I also don't have a lot of strength so pulling the clutch is tough. I am probably going to invest in a air shifter to help. Also I am going to sew velcro to my left glove to help in hanging on. Its either that or some good Elmers glue...
My bud with the 7 second dragster is going to put a spot for my bike in his trailer so when he goes I will have an easy ride...sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On
mmmmmm Rotella
a good butt stop style of seat takes a lot of stress of off your arms. it's simple to construct then you just tense up to keep your spine erect during the launch and your arms can stay loose. Air release button launch may be in your future also I can get some shifitng equipment and adjust the kill time necessary for you I have a MRE assy complete air over air type or a dyna shift counter for elect. over air -- any choice - no problems and install in under an hour.
I am getting a lot of feedback about the GLD program. There are already over a half dozen bikers payed their "gold club" membership dues. I'll be in pit spot #9 by the blue barn again. All the Bixlers are returning(3) and greg Meinholtz with his sportbike engine powered ATV is in. Chad Isley hayabusa's is in, Todd Meyer and his KZ power.. not to mention the sleds
I petitioned marcel for Delay boxes (super pro) since we are making a DIV 3 team for Indy bracket finals. Div 3 and 5 allow them...
I'm at Redline M/C shop everyday just across from common grounds coffee shop. - any one is welcome to come in and say hi if you are in the area. I just started last week -- they've had horrible mechanics last 2 years but still WAY better than moto rider - of whom I have had to repair damages from.SUZUKI , There is no substitute