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    Originally posted by bellucci View Post
    Set the bars, check for cohones, and we go...

    Lookin good


      belucci has courage

      10:20 on the shake down

      9:97 #2 135 mph
      9:71 #3 131
      14:35 #4 --- no air in shifter tank
      9:69 #5 133
      9:60 #6 137

      gearing aint right no lock up - stock clutch

      started launch at 5500 went to 6500 and we got to get him to quit dragging those toes and get his head out of the wind!!

      he's there today at a ARS track rental I'll be there Saturday for a big biker party from firehouse cycles Any member that wants to hang out, you have an open invitation in my pits.
      Last edited by trippivot; 08-24-2012, 11:05 AM.
      SUZUKI , There is no substitute


        Looks like he's gettin' it dialed.


          day 2

          9:55 and a 9:46 LOW 9s' ? ok, in my book he's officially FAST
          SUZUKI , There is no substitute



            Count to 10
            turn the throttle the other way
            frantically try and find the rear brake
            grab the front brake
            sit up in the wind
            try and stop smiling...
            sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On


              First pass with me bypassing 3rd due to keeping my finger on the shift button...
              Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

              Last edited by bellucci; 08-27-2012, 08:01 PM. Reason: another video
              sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On


                Very nice bike you guys put together there! I finally have an 81 GS 1100 that will be my bracket bike. It's mostly stock except for V&H pipe, K&N's and a re jet. I have a friend that's a pro mechanic giving it a going over to make sure it's track worthy. If I did it I'd get too anxious and skip important stuff to get it out on the strip! In the next week or so I'll be at the Grove for some T&T and plan to enter the ET class at Byron for the last 2WheelSpeed event in September. I certainly hope I finally get a chance to meet a few of you...Like you, I hope the Fall lasts 'til after Christmas!
                It looks to me like you're using stock GS wheels... What kind of tires are you using? I need to use the stock wheels at least for the time being and I need skins and any suggestions on what works would be appreciated.
                Good luck with that beast!


                  The back is a gsxr 5.5 inch wide wheel with a 7 inch slick. I was using a 5.5 inch on a widened stock rim. The front is I think a GS550 wheel with a Goodyear slick. Trip has a wheel that will work and if you need the slick, we can work something out. I will be sticking with the 7 inch so the slick is available... The front is not so important. Skinny works the best. I might have a setup for you in that area also... What area do you live in? If you need to talk, 847-334-1688... Hope to see you at the Grove. We will be going Thursday coming up...
                  sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On


                    I live on the NW side of the city between Elmwood park and Harwood Heights. I won't be able to be at the Grove this Thursday because I'm out of town for the Antique Motorcycle club doings in Davenport and then down to Springfield for the Saturday and Sunday flat track...You may recall we had a chat in posts last Fall...I've been watching the GS forum to see how you've been doing... I like your new bike and wish you the best.
                    I'd like to get the chance to meet you and the others from the area. I've had brief conversations with a few others who come on here as well on this and other forums. This is getting too long...I'll give you a call after the holiday and we'll get a chance to meet in the real world soon, I'm sure.
                    Ride & race safe!


                      See you when you can make it...And yes I remember...
                      sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On


                        Tim will have his schnitz box for testing tomorrow, I'll be there rooting for 200 MPH for him and for 140 for you .

                        Chief Blackhawk weekend is such a hoot! the redline boys need a guide for Davenport west end - So I'm going too

                        My stock 1150 did a 12:51 @ 105 haha going thru the traps in 3rd gear

                        Have you inspected your clutch yet Bellucci? do it any way
                        SUZUKI , There is no substitute


                          Trip on my scooter
                          sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On


                            How was your evening at the 'Grove on Thursday? Will you be out there again soon?


                              Going tomorrow since its supposed to snow next week... That should wake everyone up... We will be going Thursday eve. Trip is helping a buddy with a 200 mph bike and I will be aiming at 140. More important is consistency in the 9.30 range... Come on up if you can...
                              sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On


                                Interesting night... track got oiled by a trans leak. 90 min cleanup. I launch and bend both struts. Wheelie bar wheels end up 8 inches off the track...
                                sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On

