My horns on my bike over the 28 years of it's existence had gotten to the point that they sounded like a sick goose. Sometimes only the high one would work and sometimes only the low one would work and then other times they both would fire but it always sounded very weak and sickly. It had been like that for about the last 3 years now.
I was getting ready to buy new horns and go to a lot of bother remounting them and getting enough juice to them to make sure they work right and don't fry anything.
Today, while putting my bike back together to get it ready for the rebuilt engine install I was at the point with the wiring that I needed to reinstall the horns. That's when I remembered what they had been like.
All I did was this. I took the horns apart as far as I could without drilling out any rivets and cleaned them really good. I think the main thing that helped was taking the front diaphragm cover off and cleaning that. I cleaned everything with my fingers and some WD40 and then wiped them all dry and reassembled the units. I also backed out the tone adjustment screws on both and reseated them while readjusting them.
I put them back together in the mounting bracket and tested them with my motorcycle battery. WOW! They work like new! I mean it. They sound just like brand new.
If you are OK with the sound of your stock horns and yours still work but not really well then this tip might save you from having to replace them. The whole job took me less than 15 minutes.
Here is a pic and a sound byte to see and hear them. The sound byte isn't great because the horns are so loud that it was clipping my audio recording. I edited it a bit to clean it up but it gives you a good idea. You can hear they they sound fresh and responsive. Not dead quiet and lethargic like they were before.
Click here to hear them