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GS1000G (X) rebuild

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    GS1000G (X) rebuild

    After years of having a slow oil leak, apparently through the bevel drive breather, I've decided to take a deep breath and strip the old girl down and (gasp) split the cases.

    I've done the easy bit - taking most of it apart, and noted all the new bits I'm going to need apart from gaskets: new o-rings for the intakes being the most obvious.

    Anyone got any tips they can pass on? Any pitfalls i might encounter?

    Are there any Aussies in Melbourne who can recommend somewhere to get the cases cleaned? I've been looking around for someone to vapour blast the crankcases, but no luck so far....

    It's been a while since my last post here, but having three kids does tend to slow you down. I've got a freind who recently sold his Beemer, and it scared me. I NEED to get back on two wheels before it's too late!

    (All my bikes are now in bits!)

    If you can't find anything else, the inside can be cleaned very well with carb cleaner and a brass-bristle brush, and the outside can be bead blasted. For a quick and dirty fix, Easy Off oven cleaner, but DO NOT let it stay on the aluminum for too long as it will pit it. Spray it on thick, count to thirty, spray it off with water. Wouldn't recommend it for the inside.

    Honestly, some carb and choke cleaner followed up with synthetic steel wool (don't use real steel wool or you'll have little rust spots on your case) will do wonders, then you can polish or paint it. Don't know if you can get Dupli-Color engine paint there, but it's the paint I recommend.

