1. Standing on the left of the bike facing the seat, balance the bike with your left hand on the left handlebar grip and your right hand on the grip rail under the left rear of the seat (it's usually located just rear of the shock absorber top mount and its only purpose is a gripping spot to get the bike on the centerstand!)
2.Place your right foot on the centerstand lever and push it down. It'll contact the ground and stabilize the bike somewhat as it does. Your now ready leverage the bike onto the centerstand.
3.Push down firmly and smoothly with your right foot. Do not try to lift using your right arm. just keep your arm straight and hold onto the grip rail. Your leg does the magic! It'll begin to move and pop right onto the stand.
4.Stand back and admire how easy that was !
It helps if the bike is on level pavement. If you must park it on a slight hill make sure you park with the direction of the hill, front wheel higher than rear. That way gravity will work for you and it'll almost put itself on the centerstand.
Remember, it's all about leverage. I've seen 5 foot tall petite women get 850's on the centerstand with little effort. On the flip side, I've seen a Grizzley Adams type he-man drop a 550 trying to wrestle it onto the stand. It's all in the technique.
Happy riding!