My stator went the other day and shot up to 50 volts or so and took out most of my lights 2 relays and finished off my flasher.
I used a Tridon #550 flasher as a replacement. It plugs into the stock socket and all you have to do is move 2 wires.
If you look at the plug you will see the top is hinged just push in the retainer finger and it pops open. The power wire is already in the right spot orange white its the lug marked X on the flasher. Now just slip a small finish nail or screw driver in to the little square slot that each spade on the plug has. Remove the black and blue spade connector from the plug you don't need this wire so wrap it in tape its for the flasher canceller which now won't work if it did before. Take out the spade with the pale blue wire and put it back in the plug where the black blue wire was which is X on the new flasher. Now test the directional's to make sure everything works. With this flasher even if you have a burned out bulb the good 1 will blink. I then took the rubber mounting block and slipped a length of tape thru it and taped it the the new flasher across from the 2 inline male prongs you could also use zip ties and hung it back up where the old 1 was.
it works like a charm no cutting and splicing wires took all of 20 minuets.
Good luck