No experience with it, 7/8" bar versions are $69.95
Easy to install. Secured to the ID of the handlebar, the mass is mounted on a spring that is directly mounted inside the handlebar end.
It works by responding to the high frequency energy (buzz) by oscillating out of phase (storing the energy and releasing it back to the bar at the right time), thus canceling the vibration/ buzz. This is different and much more efficient from all other methods that attempt to dampen and absorb the energy.
The Vibranator uses the same principles as some high end helicopters use to reduce or eliminate secondary vibrations.
Some reviews/discussion
More Negative review: Interesting that the first time I see a review that someone tries to do a scientific analysis they come to the counter conclusion to almost all other positive reviews. Is this what they call "weird science"?
Wait a minute, this was actually a purely empirical assessment with essentially no understanding of theory.
Theoretically it should work best for standard bars than on clip ons, and that seems to that cruisers need em more than sport bike riders .