The seat pan that came with the bike was really badly rusted, and I found another on ebay. However, I like the cover on the original seat better. Despite years of neglect outdoors, it has no cuts or tears. It was just dried out, faded, and the edges that need to be pliable to mount on to the new seat pan were very dirty, dry, and rigid.
I saw several posts on the forum recommending Back to Black which I already had lying around. It definitely helped bring the seat back to life, but the edges were still stiff, etc.
There was a link somewhere online recommending Goop hand cleaner on vinyl - a car restorer swore by it. Since I had a tube of Goop around, I thought what the heck. I lathered the seat up good with Goop and let it hang in the warmest room of the house for a few hours. Then I wiped it down with a wet rag to remove residual dirt and Goop. I can't believe the difference it made! I can't say its like new, but it seems close. It's pliable and looks nice!
Assuming I get everything in working order and keep this bike, I may re-shape the seat and lose most or all of the step, but this way I can try it out in its original form.