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'83 GS650L - fork oil capacity?

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    '83 GS650L - fork oil capacity?

    Does anyone know the appropriate fork oil capacity for an '83(?) GS650L. I know there are submodels, so mine has the air assist and the offset forks with less of the fork lowers below the axle (see pic). the head badge lists it as a GS650GLD, with mfr date 8/82. If it's reallly an '82, it's likely the Z variant based on Partzilla images of the front wheel.

    I assume the various fork lowers of the variants result in different amounts of oil required.

    The service manual, which covers many sub models, often doesn't list a volume, just a number with no units. Plus, I plan to feed the oil through the air valve after taking out the stem rather than messing with the caps & snap rings, so measuring to the top of the fork won't work.

    Last edited by sacruickshank; 06-29-2022, 06:52 PM.
    Current rides: GS850G, GL1100, Triumph Scrambler XC, Guzzi V85TT, Kawi Z900RS

    The information is in the service manual. You might want to look again. 228 ml each leg. 15 weight oil.
    Last edited by Nessism; 06-30-2022, 07:50 AM.

    To measure is to know.

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      Originally posted by Nessism View Post
      The information is in the service manual. You might want to look again. 210 ml each leg. 15 weight oil.
      Thanks. I thought there might be different capacities due to the varying fork styles of different models (G, GL, etc.), but i guess not.
      Current rides: GS850G, GL1100, Triumph Scrambler XC, Guzzi V85TT, Kawi Z900RS


        Oops. My bad. 228 ml is the number for the L model. It's in the GL model supplement page of the service manual.

        To measure is to know.

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          Originally posted by Nessism View Post
          Oops. My bad. 228 ml is the number for the L model. It's in the GL model supplement page of the service manual.
          Thx. I might drop a few cc's off that since the '83 L forks don't extend as far below the axle as the images in the manual. Or maybe the capacity is the same.
          Current rides: GS850G, GL1100, Triumph Scrambler XC, Guzzi V85TT, Kawi Z900RS

