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HELP! No pressure on brake lever after removing banjo bolt

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    I like new stuff, but rebuild kits are usually incomplete, wrong size and expensive.
    Since you had pressure before, i'd guess there's still air trapped.

    I had something like that and used 8 or 10 banjo rings to screw the banjo in the MC.
    That way i could test the MC itself, without having to think about air in the calipers or lines.

    Turned out there was air trapped in the MC ...

    Top 10 Newbie Mistakes thread

    CV Carb rebuild tutorial
    VM Carb rebuild tutorial
    Bikecliff's website
    The Stator Papers

    "The thing about freedom - it's never free"


      Appreciate that perspective! I kinda felt the same way about rebuild kits, they can be a shot in the dark


        I would swap to a more modern master cylinder from another bike before I rebuilt a stock one personally.... Hit and miss for sure.
        1980 GS1000G - Sold
        1978 GS1000E - Finished!
        1980 GS550E - Fixed & given to a friend
        1983 GS750ES Special - Sold
        2009 KLR 650 - Sold - gone to TX!
        1982 GS1100G - Rebuilt and finished. - Sold
        2009 TE610 - Dual Sporting around dreaming of Dakar..... - FOR SALE!



          For posterity-

          Due to a strange and fortuitous series of events, this problem has been solved.
          The other night, a very intense rainstorm hit my town and in the night the GS650G was blown over. I put it back up on its side, and luckily nothing broke or was damaged. Later that day, I took a wrench and tapped the lines with the MC open, and the lever had pressure. I'm not sure if I would recommend this method of getting air out of your lines, but it was undoubtedly effective!

          Thanks to everyone who responded, your advice is much appreciated!


            Glad it's worked out, but obviously makes no sense... It may would work for others, but when another thread comes up about trouble, bleeding brakes, Like you, I don't think I could recommend this method... It's sure been aggravating, Glad all is good.
            1983 GS1100E, 1983 CB1100F, 1991 GSX1100G, 1996 Kaw. ZL600 Eliminator, 1999 Bandit 1200S, 2005 Bandit 1200S, 2000 Kaw. ZRX 1100

