I've had my ups and downs over the years, all part of the learning curve, but was now at the point where I felt confident to tackle 2 jobs this weekend. With 3 or 4 days ahead of me I figured I could get them done with a minimum of fuss. Wrong. I'm still on the first project, a red bike becoming black. Prepping the "tins" was no sweat as everything was in good shape. Just some sanding to remove decals and 600 wet to give the next paint some tooth. Wipe down with mineral spirits and "air dry" in the sun.
Shot the black paint ( Rustoleum Multi surface) and the fun begins. Everything fine with tank, side panels and fairing but the tail.....instant orange peel.. Let it dry, sand it all off and start again. Comes out better this time.
Let it dry over night and then wet sand with 1000. Get out the new HVLP gun and run some cleaner throught it. All set for clear. Shoot the tail piece first and almost immediately problems. Looks like little "craters" maybe 1mil in diameter. Its not all over just on one side. Crappola!
Let it dry and sand it out but now I'm into the previous coat to get these craters out. wipe clean and air dry. Paint with colour and bang....problems again. Now its "lizard skin", but again only in patches. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I'm not sure whats going on other than contamination of some kind. With the "craters" I think I might not have fully cleared the gun before adding the paint. The others can only be the mineral spirits not"flashing" off. I'm very aware of contamination and always wear latex gloves when handling parts, I wipe off everything after sanding with lint free towels and mineral spirits but i guess the lesson is you can't be too careful with the prep.
At this point, I'm still working the base coat and haven't attempted the clear again. I think I might be a bit "gun shy" about that.
Anyway back to it. I'll likely get the other one done next weekend now.
I'll let you know how it all turns out.