With 18" GSXR conversion 43mm forks (braces, progressive springs, emulators) and radials 170/60-18 back, 110/80-18 front (Dunlop/Avons modern stuff) with SU-145's now much more stable at 85-95 cornering. A little wollering going on and that is likely frame flex starting to have an effect.
Anyway, with a GS you can get a thrill at 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4 speed of a modern bike depending upon what you do to it.
Now Let me tell you what i found this afternoon.

I decided to check the air pressure in the tires just for the heck of it, low and behold they had very little.
Now being used to mostly sportbikes where if your tire is low on air, you can dang well see it. Not so much on tires with tubes in them.
My bad all the way round, no pun intended.
Filled the rear to 42 and the front to 36.
OH, And My boy read the tire size off to me wrong, it's a 120/90-18, just one size up from stock. the rim is actually 2.75 inches, Sorry about that.
So, Next i checked the sag.
On the front with no weight on the forks they measure 6.5 inches from the top of the dust boot to the bottom triple tree clamp.
With just the bike itself there was 5.5 inches of fork showing, with me on the bike it dropped another 1/4 of an inch, so total sag was 1.3 inches on the front.
The rear was 22 and 5/8's of an inch from the bottom of the mud flap to the ground with no weight on the rear.
With just the bike it measured 22 and 1/4 inches. With me on the bike it measured out to an even 22 inches.
So, not being an expert on suspension setup is this good or bad ?
Let me know what you guys think about this.
Thanks again,