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what triples?
what triples?
Picked up a set of 93 gsxr 1100 forks... Now besides the obvious what other triples would work as I am haveing trouble finding a set fairly cheapTags: None
Man, you're setting yourself up for probs...
Someone used Honda 959 or something like that TOP clamp, but I dunno if they used the whole triple? Best bet is to find a set of compatible GSXR clamps.. Otherwise you're going to have offset and width problems with the front wheel, brakes, etc. But, otherwise, look up stuff that has the same diameter forks as your forks..
well what i was trying to say is.... what years of gsxr 1100/750 triples fit? yeah i dont wanna mismatch but money is real... wish i had a better job
This might be helpful
Updated Parts Interchange: 88-92 750 and 89-92 1100 If you have something to add post a reply and I will add it to the List. I know with a lttle work ANYTHING can be adapted but this is more for the Direct swaps. Forks: all 92-93 600, 88-95 750 and 89-98 1100 use the same bearings so the...
Updated 85-87 750 and 86-88 1100 parts interchange Well....the interchange we had is lost. Have to start rebuilding what we had so If you have any known swaps for slabsides please post them again here. No questions those as a new thread in the main forum. THIS IS ONLY FOR KNOWN...
Do we have a fork length chart anywhere? Would be nice to have a list of all the fork lengths of possible swaps. I want to know what front end geometry issues I would be fighting against with one fork or another. I need 06 and newer. A measurement standard like axle center-line to the top of...
Last edited by posplayr; 05-11-2010, 11:13 AM.
thanks for the links... i scanned through them and didnt get a real diffinitive answer waiting till the forks come in the mail so i can measer where triples go.
Billy Ricks
If they are 1100 forks the CBR954RR triples won't work. The CBR triples will only work with 750 forks and you need upper and lower Honda triples. You have to have an upper fork measurement of 50mm where it clamps to the upper triple. I believe 1100 forks are 54mm up top. I'd have to look to confirm the range of years you can use, but without a doubt you can use up to '95 1100 triples.
I have a set of 1994 gsxr1100.
Just PM me.
1978 GS1000C X2
1978 GS1000E X2
1979 GS1000S
1979 gs1000
1983 gs400e