I'm fairly certain there's a little air in there but can't find a method to get it out.
The one reason I think there's air in there is when I was bleeding the slave cylinder down below with my Mityvac, I allowed the reservoir to get too low (it's really small). Before that happened I always had about 1/4" of lever "play" at the most. After the reservoir went low I had about 1/2" or somewhere in between. Not much difference but if it was your bike you'd KNOW something's changed.
I could see the reservoir bottom was basically dry but it's still hard to believe the hose going to the M/C was also dry and air could get stuck somewhere. With the new vacuum tool I bled the M/C at the lever just fine and I thought I had a good timing routine going on when I switched to the slave but I was too slow and let the fluid get low.
All I know is the extra play happened at the same moment so I guess there's still air in it.
The clutch works fine but I wish I could find a method. I asked at a few ZX forums but no luck when trying what they said. I've tried so many ways I got tired of it. I'll probably never use that Mityvac again. Not the tools fault but we don't get along. I tried vacuum. I tried pumping fluid UP through the system. I tried the basic method until I got sick of it. One member at a ZX14 site said other members had trouble bleeding too but if you leaned the bike to the right it helped the air pop out. So instead of leaning the bike over I actually took off the entire bar/lever/MC as a unit and had my son hold it at various angles while I bled again. No air would come out. Makes no sense because the factory places the bleed valve at the top of the M/C and any trapped air should find its way out. I don't know how any air could stay in there after all my different attempts but what can I do? One time while my son was holding the unit I was a tad slow closing the valve and I knew I sucked in just a bubble or two. In less than a minute we saw that air pop out while using the basic method. So why the same method won't work on any other suspected air in there is beyond me.
I always try to pass on any info I have that might help others so if I find the fix I'll let others know. Thanks for the interest.