The Story
I have been planning a ride with two friends of mine to Shenandoah National Park's Skyline Drive for almost a month. It was supposed to be yesterday (Saturday) but we postponed it to today (Sunday).
So yesterday in lieu of that long ride (almost 200 miles) I rode about twenty miles out to meet my father at the shooting range. We put down about 200 rounds or so of 9 millimeter ammo before we were ready to split. As we were browsing their selection of firearms, I noticed a dark stain on my first and second finger (see below).

My father and I both dismissed this as a residue of loading the clip with ammo for an hour (I have to do it because my father has a bad thumb). Of course when I got home I washed my hand thoroughly (there was still some residue but not much).
After riding my bike out to an evening of playing poker, I returned home to find my fingers just as black as they had been. Feeling clever, I turned my riding gloves inside out to find that the lead/oil residue from ammo had leached into the fabric, and I started cleaning them. I left them out to dry before my ride in the morning after I'd packed all my gear. Giddy as a schoolgirl.
In the morning I was cleaning my helmet's face shield when I noticed black stains on the top of my white helmet. That lead residue must have transferred from my fingers to my helmet! So I cleaned it off, and went on my way.
When we arrived at our first stop (the pickup point for our last rider), I found out the real cause of the black finger disorder. It wasn't lead. Or leprosy. Or the black plague. Some of the most enterprising among you may have already divined it, based almost solely on the title of this forum.
Brake fluid
My front master cylinder had been leaking brake fluid onto my brake lever, where I had clutched it in my gloved hand, soaking my glove and my first and second (and eventually my third) fingers in brake fluid.
As a new rider, I almost crapped my pants at the possibility of losing my front brake on a ride (my first ride of significant length and challenge, no less1), and I ignored the pleas of my other two compatriots that I should just pick up some more fluid and add it as needed. They are nice guys, but they are both riding new bikes (a 2011 Harley and a 2004 BMW), so they don't understand what it is to love a 1980 GS.

So now I'm back home.
The Question
WTF? Why is my front master cylinder leaking all of a sudden? I know that, within the last week or two, I have opened it. I can't remember why, but I remember that I didn't do anything of consequence- just opened it and looked inside, then closed it again. Could something this simple have dislodged a precarious part and set it to leak?
The leak appears to be coming from the bottom of the cylinder, but it is hard to tell. Any suggestions for what to do to diagnose or remedy this?