What I'm trying to do with my current '78 GS1000 project is retain the stock wheels until I can budget enough time and $$$ to upgrade the front-end and wheels together. I already have the standard 03-04 Bandit swingarm setup and ready to run with dual shocks.
It appears that I could just bolt the B12 caliper onto the stock hanger after simply elongating the hanger's holes(and probably have to tweak the B12 stay a little to compensate for the larger rotor/narrower tire). The B12 caliper uses smaller 8mm bolts that are spaced about 5mm narrower than the stock caliper.
I'll probably fill the original holes with some kind of steel epoxy before drilling the new holes shifted ~5mm closer to each other.
The offset/spacing looked good when I did a quick comparison with both calipers mounted to the hanger at the same time(pardon the dirty parts. I don't thoroughly clean stuff until after I'm done fitting/modifying them... saves me wasting time on cleaning up parts that may end up not being used)

Does this make sound engineering/safety sense, or would it be better to find/make a smaller rotor to go with the B12 hanger(or some other rotor/caliper/hanger combination)?