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Steering/Head bearing race remover tool(s) for sale. Maybe?
Forum LongTimerGSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- Oct 2006
- 14030
- London, UK to Redondo Beach, California
Fine by me.1980 GS1000G - Sold
1978 GS1000E - Finished!
1980 GS550E - Fixed & given to a friend
1983 GS750ES Special - Sold
2009 KLR 650 - Sold - gone to TX!
1982 GS1100G - Rebuilt and finished. - Sold
2009 TE610 - Dual Sporting around dreaming of Dakar..... - FOR SALE!
TWINPOT BRAKE UPGRADE LINKY: http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...e-on-78-Skunk/
I really could have used one of these a couple months ago... what a pain in the neck!(at least I know what to do *next* time)
This is a great deal for those who can't/ don't want to make their own.(I have the tools and just enough pipe, so I'm set)
I suspect you will end up with a lot more interest than expected. All for a good cause... saving fellow enthusiasts from the headache and cursing involved with such a seemingly simple procedure.
PM or post your paypal .. I will take one
Originally posted by cal_look_zero View PostIt's actually designed after the Park Tools bearing race driver. So you'd be able to. Not on Chris King though, they have their own fancy shmancy one.
Ok, so I determined I can ship them reasonably through USPS. $13-$15 for shipping.
How does $20 to your door (Lower 48) sound?
Oh and I'm going to go buy another length of pipe so I'll have 11 total, sounds like I have 7 spoken for at the moment?
I need to refine them a little bit. I'll PM all of you with paypal info when I get some that I feel comfortable selling. Thanks for looking.
"It's actually designed after the Park Tools bearing race driver. So you'd be able to. Not on Chris King though, they have their own fancy shmancy one."
That's awesome. I'm in for sure. Will keep An eye on this thread, hope you're able to make it happen! Thanks a ton
I'll take one if you still have any.......
JoeIBA# 24077
'15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
'07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
'08 Yamaha WR250R
"Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of fun.....in a Krusty manner."
the schwartz
Joe Nardy
11 people in, you all have PMs (or will very shortly)
I got my cutting system refined pretty well, should be able to get them all squared away in short order.
Please add me to the list. Need to do this on the GS and gixxer.1979 GS850G
2004 SV650N track bike
2005 TT-R125 pit bike
LRRS #246 / Northeast Cycles / Woodcraft / Armour Bodies / Hindle Exhaust / Central Mass Powersport
I got a couple of messages about getting one in a week or two.
Just kidding. I'm planning on making a BUNCH and having "stock" on hand, so no rush.
I'm going to try a different material with a little thicker wall tubing. I bent my prototype while beating the hell out of it trying to get a (deliberately) cockeyed bearing race out of my spare cb frame. Then again it may happen with the professionally made one as well with as hard as I was hitting it, but I'd rather see if I can mitigate it with a little stronger tubing.
Price will remain the same, no worries.
The guys that already paid me, will have a tool coming next week.
hehehe, totally lost my ass on the short term.
I had to go and buy a bandsaw I got so many requests for these things. Should be turning out about 7 of them today, so if you already paid, I should be getting them out tomorrow. Anyone on the fence, I'll be offering them for $20 shipped through friday. Saturday at 12:01 they go up to $25 shipped.
Ok, I got these guys on lock. Enjoy:
My home made steering bearing race removal tool. Save the headache of prybars, punches, and whacking the crap out of your hands,
I had to get a special blade made up for my bandsaw since this material is so GD hard.
The wall thickness of the material is 2.67mm up from the original material of 1.57mm
This has it's pros and cons, like I mentioned above, it's more than 2 times the cost of the original tubing. And as you can see from the video, you have to work to get it past the race. HOWEVER, it's a helluva lot stronger, and you have near 0 risk of bending the shaft like had with the cheaper stuff.
I will mention that you will almost certainly need to tweak the fingers to fit exactly how they need to for the lower race. I'll have them as close as possible (which should be good enough) but if it's really in there, you may need to flare the fingers out a bit so they're less likely to slip past the race.
I've found that a propane torch (heat) and the cans of air for cleaning electronics; held upside down (cold) make the job a lot easier.