I've installed salty monk's twin pot upgrade.
'02 ZG1000 front brake calipers
'92 GSXR1100 front master cylinder
GS1100 braided lines (with T piece connector).
I cleaned everything before starting, and just hooked it all up. I proceeded to bleed the lines. All was going really well (pump pump pump, open relief valve on caliper, close repeat) did this process about 5 -10 times each caliper.
A little tiny bit of tension was felt in the brake lever, but it was still very ver loose.
I tried to bleed the MC through the banjo bolt, pump pump pump, hold, crack it open a bit and then close. Lots of air bubbles came out. Did this a few times till the fluid just oozed out, no bubbles.
then went back and did the calipers another 10 times each.
The lever was still spongy and very light.
Tied the lever down over night as I heard this removes alot of air. This did nothing.
Then i tried reverse bleeding with a syringe from the caliper. Basically pumping fluid through the reielf valve up to the reservoir. Some tiny air bubbles came out. did this either side, again no change.
I'm totally stumped as to what the issue is. I am thinking there is a possibility that the Seals on the on the caliper(s) are leaky, or the master cylinder is leaky.
There was the possibility that it was the T piece, but i replaced that with a spare one i had that was in top condition.
I've ordered a MC rebuild kit and a caliper rebuild kit waiting to arrive so I can test, is there anything I can do try and rule out the failing component or is there something terribly wrong that I'm doing.
Bleeding brakes is a bloody mess i tell ya. I've made a disaster in my garage, and not to mention the amounts of brake fluid cleaner i've burnt through whenever i drip some on my freshly powdercoated wheels or when it leaks or when I kick over the fluid bottle

Thank god for the brake fluid cleaner...no peeling paint yet

I hate bleeding brakes. Have been going for days with no success. all help is appreciated..
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