Very much a mechanical noob, so have a few basic questions:
1. Calipers: what sort of grease do I need? Workshop manual mentions silicon grease for the axles, but nothing about the pad shims. I've read on here and magazines re people using copper or rubber grease somewhere or other. Others use nothing. Do i need it and where does it go?
2. Circlip pliers: have never used them and may never again so just after a cheap pair to do the job inside the M/C. What type and size do I need? Internal or external ones? Straight, long nose or bent? Large or small size?
3. When you order cup and piston sets from parts suppliers like Boulevarde Suzi, is that all you get in the packet, or do you get the oring and other stuff to refurbish the rest of the MC?
4. What size I.D. (inside diameter) clear plastic tubing will I need to fit the brake bleeders?
I'm not able to use brake cleaner, and not sure how I'll even go with the brake fluid. Was going to try and use maybe metholated spirits or maybe a small amount of WD40 to try and clean out any crud inside the calipers. Do you think either of these will be able to do the job OK?
Many thanks
