Bike also tends to dive to right when braking hard. Not clear if that is a separate problem or a consequence of compensating for this bias by pressing to right.
Anywho, I took the bike to the local mechanic who installed the bearings for me. A very good and wise mechanic who refuses to work on old bikes like mine. He said could be any number of problems, best if I tore bike apart and redid the work. That is one option. Before I do that I was going to try loosening up the pinch bolts and rotate the forks by 180 degrees to see if handling changed, that is try to see if forks might be bent.
Another thought I had was to take the forks off a parts bike that I have, a 1983 GS450L, and see if the problem goes away. Last night I took those off the parts bike and learned to my surprise that those have the valves for adding compressed air to the shocks.
So here are some questions:
-Are the air shocks more desirable than the original shocks or something to stay away from? I would have to rebuild those.
-any thoughts on what could be causing the bike to be pulling so hard to left besides a bent fork?
Austin, Texas
1980 GS450, which I love more every time I ride!