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New SS Front Brake Lines Arrived Today,.... URGH!!

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    Well,....i spoke with the line tech today and must say Jim at Moto-Heaven was very nice. I explained the problem, and he's getting a new longer set out today,....probably have them tuesday with the holiday weekend.

    I later thought about what might have caused the mixup,......and then it hit me! I suspect their line database is set for the GS850G and similiar models with the regular straight handlebars and front fork configuations!

    The riser/pullback handlebars of my "Cruser" style model (GS850GL) certainly would explain why the upper hose leading from the master cylinder to the 1-into-2 connector was short by 6.75 inches. All that rise and pullback equate to extra inches between the brake lever and connection point!

    Additional, i believe i read somewhere that the GS850GL models had a bit more "Chopper" angle added to the steering head and forks which might explain the 2" being short for both lower hoses leading to the calipers.

    I sent a bit more detailed email off to Jim, so that they don't mess up their "standard" database on the regular GS850G specs.
    Last edited by Guest; 05-25-2012, 02:22 PM.


      Yep, if you ordered them for an 850G and not an 850GL they won't fit.
      79 GS1000S
      79 GS1000S (another one)
      80 GSX750
      80 GS550
      80 CB650 cafe racer
      75 PC50 - the one with OHV and pedals...
      75 TS100 - being ridden (suicidally) by my father


        Originally posted by hampshirehog View Post
        Yep, if you ordered them for an 850G and not an 850GL they won't fit.
        Well,....i DID order them for my '82 GS850GL, and even inquired ahead of time as to whether their listing info covered my model.

        .....was told there should be no problem. (and if so they would take care of it)

        Hehe,.....i'm thinking maybe mine is the first GS850GL they've come across.

        btw,....just got a tracking email from USPS that my package (longer lines) will ship today. Nice.....
        Last edited by Guest; 05-25-2012, 04:32 PM.


          Sounds like you've found somebody there who will put things right with no fuss. Getting to be a rarity nowadays - the customer is always wrong seems to be the new adage over here anyways.
          79 GS1000S
          79 GS1000S (another one)
          80 GSX750
          80 GS550
          80 CB650 cafe racer
          75 PC50 - the one with OHV and pedals...
          75 TS100 - being ridden (suicidally) by my father


            Originally posted by hampshirehog View Post
            Sounds like you've found somebody there who will put things right with no fuss. Getting to be a rarity nowadays - the customer is always wrong seems to be the new adage over here anyways.
            Pretty rare over here also! But those that do get my repeat business and recommendation.

            Brings to mind an incident last night at a local Burger King. I was at a counter waiting for my order, and a lady was already at the counter demanding to speak to the manager????

            Frankly, this lady was HUGE, maybe 425 to 450 pounds! (and should not be wearing tight fitting pants and blouse) Anyway, when the manager came up to the counter she explained that she had been at the drive thru and ordered FOUR Double Cheezeburgers/no pickle, and had only recieved single patties on them.

            .....when she came into the store to get it corrected the clerk sent the burgers back to add the missing "2nd" patty on each burger. The lady was NOW complaining that one burger would be hot, and the other too cool for her liking!

            ......the manager said he would personally make up 4 new double cheezeburgers-no pickle for her! I like his style!!!

            ......although the thought did cross my mind that the possibility did exist that the "missing" 4 beef patties had been there originally, only to have been detoured via gullet to the woman's anatomy.

            Cynical,.....probably. But given the fact that i doubt ANY sandwidch lasts long enough in her hands to even cool down, makes me believe she is not the cheezeburger conniseur she purports to be!

            The BK manager was a good guy, however, and i go there often.

            I guess it's true what they say at Burger King, "Have it your way". NO Pickle for her!!!
            Last edited by Guest; 05-26-2012, 12:23 PM.


              BTW, i forgot to mention that i might "now" be able to get the new HEL front brake lines on without again removing the Vetter fairing.

              When i had it off the first time, i still could not get at the banjo bolts at the 1-into-2 connector. That darn "Suzuki" cover plate in front blocks everything! And in order to get it completely out of the way you'd have to remove both fork tubes, as it slides over them.

              However, since it is thin metal, i carefully padded the lower edge with a towel to avoid cutting my hand, and pulled up on the plate to allow a wrench in that tight area. It springs back a bit, but after a few good tugs was able to get at the banjo bolts and the plate looks fine in it's "slightly" altered position.

              .....looking under the Vetter fairing, i can now get at those bolts. The fairing was interferring with my ability to tug up on the plate when mounted, so it had to come off at least that one time.

              Certainly on a bike where it was recommended you replace your brake hoses every two years, not the smartest place to position a nameplate which obstructs the banjo bolt access!


                Got my new HEL front brake lines in today,.....longer ones specifically for my '82 GS850GL "Cruser" model. They went in fine, and as soon as the rain ends in a few hours (some thunder storms out there also!) i will go out for a test drive.

                The stainless "Speed Bleaders" made short work of the fluid re-fill, and the brake lever feels nice and FIRM! I still "sucked" a vacume on the far end of my bleeding hose (while pumping lever) to get fluid into the lines, and once i saw fluid at the bleeder was able to just pump it thru without any further sucking.

                Just be sure to clean the end that goes in your mouth, and keep an eye on the fluid! I used a 3 foot hose, so plenty of warning to when fluid is in the line. Wouldn't recommend it with a 6 inch bleeder hose, however!

                Beats buying an expensive vacume bleeding set up for probably a 1 time need.

                I also decided to take the Vetter fairing off again, not so much to get at the brake lines, but because i wanted to check the bullet connectors in the headlight. (no lamp there now, just a cover to keep rain out) I found one loose connector, but everything in the headlamp casing was fine otherwise.

                I've been going over the bullet connectors along both sides of the bike (under the side covers), and found several with corrosion.

                A few of the worse ones, with obvious white corrosion, actually had some blackening under the rubber clear connection cover!

                I haven't been having any problem, and i think i got to it all in time. But after i carefully pulled each connector apart i held each bullet in needle nose plyers and spun some 220 grit sandpaper around them. On the female part i had some nice round "cylinder" shape needle files i picked up at a used tool store nearby to use to scraper , and then used compressed air to blow out both the female recepticle and bullet ends.

                After a gentle squeezing of the female connector part thru the outer rubber protective cover, i held both parts carefully in 2 pairs of needle nose pliers to get more controlled pressure on them, and put them together.

                Last step was to use some dielectric grease just inside the rubber protective cover, both to seal out moisture a bit AND to know which ones i'd actually attended to!

                Still have more to go, as when my gas tank is near empty i'll pull that to check any connectors i can see there.

                ......and i've got a Shindengen FH012AA Rectifier/Regulatorcoming soon, with the matched plug connectors from another source, to upgrade that weak area! My replacement real wheel spline (the black one, from a low milage earlier 1979 GS850GL) should be here soon to upgrade that problematic 1982 part. (problem from mid 1981-1983 IIRC)

                ........always something more to get done,.......but i've done a LOT this year already. It's been fun getting the old girl in shape!
                Last edited by Guest; 05-29-2012, 10:46 PM.


                  Originally posted by joejeweler View Post
                  Pretty rare over here also! But those that do get my repeat business and recommendation.

                  Brings to mind an incident last night at a local Burger King. I was at a counter waiting for my order, and a lady was already at the counter demanding to speak to the manager????

                  Frankly, this lady was HUGE, maybe 425 to 450 pounds! (and should not be wearing tight fitting pants and blouse) Anyway, when the manager came up to the counter she explained that she had been at the drive thru and ordered FOUR Double Cheezeburgers/no pickle, and had only recieved single patties on them.

                  .....when she came into the store to get it corrected the clerk sent the burgers back to add the missing "2nd" patty on each burger. The lady was NOW complaining that one burger would be hot, and the other too cool for her liking!

                  ......the manager said he would personally make up 4 new double cheezeburgers-no pickle for her! I like his style!!!

                  ......although the thought did cross my mind that the possibility did exist that the "missing" 4 beef patties had been there originally, only to have been detoured via gullet to the woman's anatomy.

                  Cynical,.....probably. But given the fact that i doubt ANY sandwidch lasts long enough in her hands to even cool down, makes me believe she is not the cheezeburger conniseur she purports to be!

                  The BK manager was a good guy, however, and i go there often.

                  I guess it's true what they say at Burger King, "Have it your way". NO Pickle for her!!!
                  I had a similar experience recently in a Subway store....I listened to the lady in front of me in line, ordering two sandwiches and (intentionally?) misleading the poor teenager behind the counter as to what went on what sandwich. One was supposed to have double cheese, which is a whole extra $1. When the lady complained that the wrong sandwich had the double cheese, and wanted FREE double cheese on the other one, I just could not keep quiet. I defended the teenager behind the counter to both the customer and the manager. Lady didn't get her way and finally stormed out - all that for A DOLLAR.

