What started out as my wanting to upgrade the soft steel 1982 vintage rear wheel spline on my GS850GL
got me stopped in my tracks. After getting the rear wheel off, i flipped it up on top of an open plastic trash
can to make it easier to get the spline retaining bolts off (and protect the brake rotor on the opposite side),......
.....and this is what i found on the NEW rear tire that has maybe 900 miles on it,....replaced exactly 31 days
ago at a tire dealer around the corner from my house!
.....another view:
After i calmed down a bit,....i realized this discovery might just have saved my life!
I've done about half of those 900 miles on the highway, and i don't want to think about what "could"
have happened if this blew out at highway speed.
I know for a fact there is NO way i drove over anything that might have caused this. Anything TALL enough
to reach up midway on the sidewall is going to be noticed, especially something like a glass bottle chunk.
Even then some damage should be evident on the tread area, as a logical conclusion, but the tread is perfect.
It just doesn't look like a glass cut to me, as it's a pretty clean over maybe 6" or so and in a fairly straight line.
(and again up midway on the sidwall)
I'm going over to the dealer on monday and have him order me a new rear tire, even if it ends up a "shared"
cost. It'll be interesting to see what his evaluation is???
I hate to think it, but i suspect when the tires were shipped (front and rear ordered at the same time), the
strapping that often holds them together might have been cut a little too aggressively. It LOOKS like that
type of cut,......done with a razer knife/box cutter.
I sure hope it was simply missed when the tires were mounted, and not ignored by one of the workers to
avoid getting in trouble from the boss at the tire dealership. If a worker cut the strapping holding 2 tires
together and also noticed he damaged the tire, and said nothing
Another option is the tire had a weak spot in the side wall and just gave way. As i've never run across
this before, not sure what that scenario might look like. If anyone has seen tires open up like this thru a defect
in manufacturing,....please join in,....but it sure looks like it was caused by outside sources.
One final "possibility" i shudder to even think possible today, and that is some anti-biker or other misfit
intentionally damaging a tire. But it happens, ....as sick as that is, and could get someone killed!
Wasn't there a movie where a tire dealer was going around in a small town, damaging tires to drum up business?
......drive safe out there,......you never know when the gremlins will strike!