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YIKES!!! Tire Slice Discovered on New Rear Tire When Updating Spline

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    YIKES!!! Tire Slice Discovered on New Rear Tire When Updating Spline

    Well,....i can't say that i'm real happy today.

    What started out as my wanting to upgrade the soft steel 1982 vintage rear wheel spline on my GS850GL
    got me stopped in my tracks. After getting the rear wheel off, i flipped it up on top of an open plastic trash
    can to make it easier to get the spline retaining bolts off (and protect the brake rotor on the opposite side),......

    .....and this is what i found on the NEW rear tire that has maybe 900 miles on it,....replaced exactly 31 days
    ago at a tire dealer around the corner from my house!

    .....another view:

    After i calmed down a bit,....i realized this discovery might just have saved my life!

    I've done about half of those 900 miles on the highway, and i don't want to think about what "could"
    have happened if this blew out at highway speed.

    I know for a fact there is NO way i drove over anything that might have caused this. Anything TALL enough
    to reach up midway on the sidewall is going to be noticed, especially something like a glass bottle chunk.
    Even then some damage should be evident on the tread area, as a logical conclusion, but the tread is perfect.
    It just doesn't look like a glass cut to me, as it's a pretty clean over maybe 6" or so and in a fairly straight line.
    (and again up midway on the sidwall)

    I'm going over to the dealer on monday and have him order me a new rear tire, even if it ends up a "shared"
    cost. It'll be interesting to see what his evaluation is???

    I hate to think it, but i suspect when the tires were shipped (front and rear ordered at the same time), the
    strapping that often holds them together might have been cut a little too aggressively. It LOOKS like that
    type of cut,......done with a razer knife/box cutter.

    I sure hope it was simply missed when the tires were mounted, and not ignored by one of the workers to
    avoid getting in trouble from the boss at the tire dealership. If a worker cut the strapping holding 2 tires
    together and also noticed he damaged the tire, and said nothing ,......THAT would really p*ss , me off!

    Another option is the tire had a weak spot in the side wall and just gave way. As i've never run across
    this before, not sure what that scenario might look like. If anyone has seen tires open up like this thru a defect
    in manufacturing,....please join in,....but it sure looks like it was caused by outside sources.

    One final "possibility" i shudder to even think possible today, and that is some anti-biker or other misfit
    intentionally damaging a tire. But it happens, sick as that is, and could get someone killed!

    Wasn't there a movie where a tire dealer was going around in a small town, damaging tires to drum up business? safe out there, never know when the gremlins will strike!
    Last edited by Guest; 06-10-2012, 02:04 PM.

    That is definitely damage of some sort, road or otherwise, not tire failure for sure.
    Maybe the next set, open and unpack yourself before taking to have fitted.
    But what is done is done as far as that goes, sorry man, that really bites.


      Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
      That is definitely damage of some sort, road or otherwise, not tire failure for sure.
      Maybe the next set, open and unpack yourself before taking to have fitted.
      But what is done is done as far as that goes, sorry man, that really bites.
      The 1st "set" of tires i bought online, cost just $183.00 with shipping, but i felt funny asking a local guy
      to do the mounting if i didn't buy them there. So i returned those, and this shop (just a block away) ordered them
      up and they were delivered the next day. That was exactly 1 month ago, i found my reciept dated 5-9-12

      I dropped my bike off in the morning, and picked the bike up before they closed the same night. Cost of the
      exact same 2 tires with labor, and $10 old tire disposal fee (), and TAX,....was now $386.00
      A bit over $200.00, the added "cost" of brick & mortar local convenience...................

      Since the tires were delivered to the shop, any unpacking was done there, i never saw them before i went back
      to pick up the bike and pay for the job.

      I'm virtually certain the damage was there from the get-go (probably from a box cutter getting them unstrapped),
      but proving it is another matter.

      Who thinks to check over a brand new pair of tires with a magnifier JUST after they are installed? One thing i DID
      point out when i picked the bike up was TWO cotter pins were missing off the main axle nut and the support arm
      at the caliper, and the owner went and got those and put them on. (wonder what he was thinking about his
      crew THEN?)

      ......and now seeing a dry hub spline i'm figuring not the best mechanic on staff????

      What's a little grease cost?

      Best case they'll replace the tire, and if i have to split it with them i'll eat that too. Labor better not be involved,
      since i'm doing the major part with wheel removal and replacement.
      Last edited by Guest; 06-10-2012, 01:50 PM.


        That tire was sliced with a razor knife, probably when the packing straps were removed from it.

        Good luck getting the shop to admit to anything on their part, they robbed you in the first place. See what you can get from them about this (I doubt anything), then never do any business with them again, they're thieves.

        1978 GS1000E; 1980 GS1000G; 1982 GS650E; 1982 GS1100G; 1982 GS1100E; 1985 GS700ES
        HONDA: 1981 CB900F Super Sport
        KAWASAKI: 1981 KZ550A-2; 1984 ZX750A-2 (aka GPZ750); 1984 KZ700A-1
        YAMAHA: 1983 XJ750RK Seca

        Free speech is the foundation of an open society. Each time a society bans a word or phrase it deems “offensive”, it chips away at that very foundation upon which it was built.


          Originally posted by Griffin View Post
          That tire was sliced with a razor knife, probably when the packing straps were removed from it.

          Good luck getting the shop to admit to anything on their part, they robbed you in the first place. See what you can get from them about this (I doubt anything), then never do any business with them again, they're thieves.
          My thoughts exactly....

          When i had a shipment of 2 tires before i bought these here (and returned them on the net), they had a cardboard cover on each side with exposed tread sections,......

          ..........and held together with the 1/2" white polyester strapping. If you weren't careful pretty easy to cut thru one layer of cardboard and hit the tire.

          Like you say,....proving it another matter. There is always the chance the supplier to this dealer cut it at their end, and my dealer missed it when they came in. Heck,....the tire mounter missed lubing my spline AND forgot to replace 2 cotter pins!

          BTW, if they pi$$ me off to much,.....i suppose i could always have my credit card company dispute the charge,....not sure if i can just do one tire though,.....the charge was for both. Possibly dispute the whole charge and settle with them for the one that was good. (i've yet to look the front tire over really good,...will do that today before i see the dealer)
          Last edited by Guest; 06-11-2012, 04:04 AM.


            If you go that route you can dispute only a portion of the amount charged. I did it last year with American Air Lines.. The problem will be proving the dealer did it which will be near impossible.... SO your stuck with the cost of a new tire..
            Maybe you can get them to match the online price ? for the replacement


              Originally posted by joejeweler View Post
              Like you say,....proving it another matter. There is always the chance the supplier to this dealer cut it at their end, and my dealer missed it when they came in. Heck,....the tire mounter missed lubing my spline AND forgot to replace 2 cotter pins!
              Whoa! You took the whole bike in to do the wheels?
              Man, doing this stuff yourself is the way to go.
              Lubing the spline? At a dealership?

              The cotter pin thing is a definite safety issue, maybe you can get a little traction with that.

              Life is too short to ride an L.


                Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
                Whoa! You took the whole bike in to do the wheels?
                Man, doing this stuff yourself is the way to go.
                Lubing the spline? At a dealership?

                The cotter pin thing is a definite safety issue, maybe you can get a little traction with that.
                I took the whole bike in to a tire dealer that also does motorcycle tires. Being just a block away is , wll, convenient also. At almost 56 i'm done "mounting" my own tires!

                The spline lubing i never asked them to do, as i knew i'd have the rear wheel off soon once i could locate an earlier harder steel wheel spline to replare the known problematic '82 one. (although mine is silver, not nearly as bad as the gold ones, IIRC?)

                But it did surprise me that the spline, which was so obviously dry, did not recieve a "courtesy" dose of a few pennies in grease.

                Anyway,....i'm off to see the dealer...........
                Last edited by Guest; 06-11-2012, 10:30 AM.


                  Just got back from the tire dealer. He called his supplier, and of course nothing they could do on a "used" tire
                  bought a month ago (i put 1100 miles on it)

                  The dealer i bought it from says "the best he could do is $99 mounted, and at that price he's losing money".

                  I mention that i bought both front and rear tires initially online (that were returned as i was giving him the local business) for just $182.00 , so obviously he couldn't be losing money.

                  He was not amused, and repeated the "best i could do......"....bla bla bla........

                  Funny, when i first showed up and showed him the slit, and my thoughts on how it got there,....he suggested
                  i bring it back to where i pruchased it! I said i bought it here a month ago,.....he says...."Oh,.....let me call my
                  supplier, but i already know the answer".....bla bla bla.

                  He states his tires don't come to him strapped, and come from a warehouse probably trucked loose, and also
                  not strapped as for individual shipping.

                  He tells me the tire will be there tomorrow around noon. I ask if i can leave the wheel and he says sure, just
                  leave it ouside the door! I say,...."I don't feel that is secure there,.....what if someone just walks off with it?
                  Can't we get it inside the shop?"

                  ......and he says "IT'S A FREAKING 1980 SOMETHING KAWASAKI WHEEL, WHO WOULD WANT IT?"

                  .......i correct him and say "...It's a vintage 1982 Suzuki classic GS850GL,.....please don't insult my bike"

                  I left the tire in outside his doorway so as not to rile him any further,......and drove the block home to pick my girl up to drive her to work. 10 Minutes later i'm driving her to work and on the way past the dealer i see the tire still ouside the front doo, and pull it and park,.......

                  ......thinking to myself: "Damn fool,......that wheel may not be worth much to HIM, but it's got my new hard material spline on it, a wheel in great shape and a problem free rotor."

                  I go back into the store and said "i decided since you are only a block away, i'll store the wheel and bring it right back when i get the call my tire is in."

                  .....then high tailed it out of there with my "worthless wheel".

                  ....what a morning.
                  Last edited by Guest; 06-11-2012, 07:05 PM.


                    I think you left out a few 4 letter words for him, as you were picking up your rim, and walking away with it.....

                    sounds like a real winner....

                    sorry but that kind of attitude, don't sit with me, I'd go somewhere else, not that he would give a rat's a$$ anyways

                    just a thought.....try and contact his supplier and see if you can deal directly with them instead, show all documentation, pics etc......sometimes they will help more than the place purchased from....



                      Originally posted by joejeweler View Post
                      ......and he says "IT'S A FREAKING 1980 SOMETHING FREAKING KAWASAKI WHEEL, WHO WOULD WANT IT?"
                      The disrespect he showed you right there says it all.


                        Give us the name of this asshat's shop so we can all avoid doing business there.

                        Life is too short to ride an L.


                          Just because they have a garage and they pay their wrench monkeys does not make bike shops "professionals". I grew sick of getting ripped off by car and bike dealers a long time ago. That's why I DIY nearly everything these days.


                            Originally posted by GateKeeper View Post
                            I think you left out a few 4 letter words for him, as you were picking up your rim, and walking away with it.....

                            sounds like a real winner....

                            sorry but that kind of attitude, don't sit with me, I'd go somewhere else, not that he would give a rat's a$$ anyways

                            just a thought.....try and contact his supplier and see if you can deal directly with them instead, show all documentation, pics etc......sometimes they will help more than the place purchased from....

                            ......i bit my tongue for sure. But then, i've been on the other side of the counter and have seen plenty of "fast one" attempts. And fact is i can't prove either way whether the slit was 100% there when i first purchased the tires. I was hoping for a bit more dealer cost "eating" however, knowing they made a hefty profit on me originally. A charge of $50.00 is what i would have offered a customer, were the situation reversed.

                            You can bet i'm checking over EVERY tire in the future when i pick up the vehicle!

                            I never found out the name of the supplier, and just being practical here but not likely to get anywhere there on my own anyway. Who do you think is more important to them,.......a tire dealer ordering several tires almost everyday, or me whom i will never order from them as they're a wholesaler?

                            I won't buy another tire from there, but do want to leave the option open to get my car tires fixed if i get a flat. Being only a block away i can drop the car off and walk home,.......used them previously several times that way.

                            My "next" bike tires (hopefully when these are WORN out!) will be bought online from the company that gave me great service, and took them back without charge or hassle ,....even for shipping. (on my Amazon account) They told me to just refuse the shipment when it arrived, and i therefore incured no return shipping charges.

                            THAT company will get my future business, and i would recommend them just for that alone. "Riders Needs" was it,....using my Amazon Store card at the time.

                            I did notice the price has gone up in the last month though. When i ordered the 1st set total cost front and rear for Bridgestone Spitfire S11 was just $183.00 SHIPPED! I checked this morning and the same set is now about $225.00

                            They also have an excellent track record form their Amazon 4.7 star rating (out of 5) over 8882 feedback.

                            .......Seems like they are run right!

                            BTW,....that rear Bridgestone Spitfire S11 tire had 1125 miles on it, and still looked brand new! The off center tread still had most of the manufacturing "nubs" showing, and the center just a dimple remaining of same. (a twin rubber compound on these, harder down the center and softer on the outside edges for better cornering traction)

                            The tires rode well,....had no complaints with either, and i'd expect 12K to 15K out of the rear once i get the new one on! Pretty good in my book,....a rear tire every 3 or 4 years barring a sidewall injury. The front should be even better.

                            Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
                            Give us the name of this asshat's shop so we can all avoid doing business there.

                            I'll be sure to do that "after" i get the new tire on tomorrow. Just don't want someone calling them up and pi$$ing them off before i'm roadworthy again.

                            .....$99 mounted/balanced is not a bad price for this, .....way better than the 1st one there. The online store price
                            is now $119.00 on this, without mounting. (shipped probably like the 1st were)

                            Originally posted by FiremanBob View Post
                            Just because they have a garage and they pay their wrench monkeys does not make bike shops "professionals". I grew sick of getting ripped off by car and bike dealers a long time ago. That's why I DIY nearly everything these days.
                            I try to do everything i can too,....just that struggling with hand irons on stiff MC tires is not what i want to be doing
                            at near 56. At 16 i rebuilt my 1st motorcycle engine,.....a Honda 2 cylinder 4 stoke (350cc or so,....something like that).
                            So i'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. Mounting tires just aren't my "thang".
                            Last edited by Guest; 06-11-2012, 07:08 PM.


                              Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
                              Give us the name of this asshat's shop so we can all avoid doing business there.
                              The dealer, no doubt, got the tires from Parts Unlimited and THEY DO IN FACT STRAP TWO TIRES TOGETHER that are ordered ay the same time!
                              What a crock of sh*t!
                              And he KNOWS it!!!!


