i bought bearings from z1... AB25-1147 for a 1978 GS750C
i followed the suzuki_don pdf on bikecliff's site and pulled the front wheel bearings no problem (harbor freight blind bearing puller)... i was pretty stoked... i didnt see seals, so i didnt install the seals that came with the new bearings
i froze the bearings overnight and pressed them back in using the methods in the pdf - half inch bolt pulling a simpson strong tie 2" square plate on one side and some washers to fit on the other... i thought i was done but there was play in the spacer so, following the pdf, i tightened it a little more. then i reinstalled the wheel... and it wouldnt roll.
i took the wheel off and put my finger in the inner race and they dont spin like they did before i pressed them in...
ive included pictures of the lame bearings in, just in case something looks funny to you guys. is it possible to tighten too much and squeeze the spacer? there is a lip on the disk side, which unfortunately i dont remember noticing before i pulled the old ones... i am confident i got the non-disk side correct... and the spacer doesnt have any play.. so i thought i was good...
any ideas?
