I put on new brake pads when I rebuilt the bike, I rebuilt the brake system, complete cleaning of the system, new ss lines, new seals, spotless calipers and pistons, everything was spic and span and as far as I was concerned everything was perfect....
Then a few days ago the rear brake was squealing and making an awful noise, took a quick look and saw there was no more brake pad left.....WTF....
This is only after 1200 kilometers, I am not heavy on the brakes, especially on the rear I use the front 90% of the time and brake with it way more than with the rear.....and I am down to almost no pad.....
rotor is fine, true as it can be, does have some scoring on it now, but just some very fine ridges, would this be the culprit, then again my fronts are similar and still lots of life on the pads...
took the old pads out, inspected the rest of the system found no issues, I was even able to push the pistons back by hand with no issues at all, popped in the new pads and took a test ride, no issues braking is just fine, with the right pressure I can even lock up the rear....
so is it just crappy pads, or is there something else going on....
good thing when I ordered new pads I screwed up and ordered 2 sets of rears, don't ask, I was thinking it was the same setup as the front,,,,dual rotor setup....LOL
anyways a few pics