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Choosing Tires
Choosing Tires
Okay oh tire gurus. What is the flavour of the month for tires for a '82 GS1100E. Right now I need a front, and the tires I have on now are Brazilian made Metzeler Lasertecs. Last time I asked this question for my '83 ES, I was told "go Avon young man". What is it now?Kevin
E-Bay: gsmcyclenut
"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff." Frank Zappa
1978 GS750(x2 "projects"), 1983 GS1100ED (slowly becoming a parts bike), 1982 GS1100EZ,
Now joined the 21st century, 2013 Yamaha XTZ1200 Super Tenere.Tags: None
I guess I would have to list the importance of the three parameters as follows;
Traction - I like to lean into corners, don't want the tires to slip out!
Longevity - The Metzeler is just now down to the wear bars after 8400 miles. I don't think that's too shabby.
Low Cost - Well we all want to be sponsored by a tire company, but that just ain't gonna happen! Basically as cheap as possible without affecting the first two parameters.Kevin
E-Bay: gsmcyclenut
"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff." Frank Zappa
1978 GS750(x2 "projects"), 1983 GS1100ED (slowly becoming a parts bike), 1982 GS1100EZ,
Now joined the 21st century, 2013 Yamaha XTZ1200 Super Tenere.
Might take a look at Continental Motion tires. Put one on the SV when a nail ruined my Pilot 2. Didn't really notice any downgrade in the performance and it was a lot less money.
Got mine from Motosport.com
I like Dunlop 591's. The do have a Harley emblem on the side, but I used them before that came about, so I don't care. They don't last long, but they stick and have a nice profile if you're not slabbing on the interstate constantly. About $100 for 4-5K.GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES