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Do I need to bleed more?
Do I need to bleed more?
I have a brake bleeding newbie question on my 79 GS850G. I purchased Rennsport stainless brake lines and installed them on my front brakes. I filled the master cylinder with fresh DOT4, attached my mityvac, built up pressure to about 20, cracked the bleeder. Took quite a while until I got any fluid out at all into the mityvac catch container. Despite a lot of repetitions (close bleeder, make sure master cylinder full, build up pressure in mityvac, crack bleeder open) I really didn't end up with much fluid in the mityvac container. But.......my brake pressure feels great and the brakes seem to engage just fine. My question is - am I done? or should I continue bleeding until I get more brake fluid to run through the system?
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When you get all the air out and the brakes feel good, you are DONE.
Any fluid you draw through the system after that is just wasted.
mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
#1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
#2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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After the mighty vac I always use the old method, squeeze the lever, crack the bleeder, might get a little more air out of the caliper. Finish it off by tying the lever back tight and leaving it for a while. Arrange the handlebars so that the line is as vertical as possible, with no horizontal sections, then tap the lines up and down a few times to knock loose any bubbles in the line, chase them up hill to the end of the line near the master cylinder. When you release the lever the bubbles will all go back out into the reservoir. After all of that your brake will be very firm.
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- London, UK to Redondo Beach, California
You're better at it than me if you can get all the air out with very little fluid going through... Even with the Mityvac I usually go through at least 200ml.1980 GS1000G - Sold
1978 GS1000E - Finished!
1980 GS550E - Fixed & given to a friend
1983 GS750ES Special - Sold
2009 KLR 650 - Sold - gone to TX!
1982 GS1100G - Rebuilt and finished. - Sold
2009 TE610 - Dual Sporting around dreaming of Dakar..... - FOR SALE!
TWINPOT BRAKE UPGRADE LINKY: http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...e-on-78-Skunk/