So I'm plugging away on my bike when I have the spare time. I've made some progress (check out my thread in the project/build section). Anyway, the tires on my bike are shot. The front is so severely weather cracked I don't even want to ride it to the end of my road and back (about 100 yards). The rear is also in pretty poor shape.
Lucky for me, my parts bike has a BRAND NEW rear tire on it (well probably 95% new anyway). It's a Bridgestone Spitfire S11R

So I'm just going to swap it rim and all over to my good bike. That takes care of the rear. The front tire on the parts bike is BETTER than the current one but I think I should still replace it right off. So I'm going to swap it over just so I can ride it to the shop to get it inspected and stuff like that.
Then when I get a new tire I'll just bring the other rim to them and have em mount the tire for me. BUT FIRST, I need to choose a new front tire. I'd like to not spend a ton of money but at the same time I don't want to get junk. I was reading that you should really match front and rear tires for best performance? The spitfire is about $100 plus mounting which isn't toooooo bad so I may just go that route. But I'm not going to be pushing this thing hard into corners or racing it at Loudon or anything so if there's a less expensive quality tire that will do the trick I'll be just as happy.
Suggestions? Also I'm planning to go with the 100/90-19 which is what's on it unless there's a reason to go with the 110.