I recently got an '83 GS450TXD in really good shape (see pic below); new tires and most everything is clean and works well. There is one exception, that I've read is common to this bike, that the suspension is not so hot. Mine is stock as far as I know, and I just re-set the rear shocks from setting 5 to 3 which seemed to help. It's the front that I want to work on next as I definitely get that "pogo-sticking" on the front when I encounter a bumpy road at around 25-40mph (and these roads are common out here in central PA.)
So, I've done my research, reading threads here and I think I know what the general consensus is; I just want to confirm with all you experts and folks that have had your GS's long than me if this is what you would do by basic upgrade to the front suspension. Of course I prefer me or my mechanic to only go in once if possible.
* replace drum brake pads as they're mushy; back drum is good. ('83 TXD had front drums as was pointed out by a forum veteran in my introduction post; doh!)
* insert Progressive springs (specific model?)
* change fork oil. Weight? I've heard that going up in weight from around 5-10 to around 30 helps with this problem, but would that be overkill in addition to the springs?
As for the other variables; I'm about 170lbs, and like to lean in the twisties, but not do much freeway, and probably prefer a stiffer sportier ride than a cushy cruisey one if I had to choose.
Grant me your wisdom, oh masters of the GS!