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putting the rear master cylinder back together (850G)

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    putting the rear master cylinder back together (850G)

    Newbie mistake and the suzuki parts house fiche isn't clear enough for me. Can someone please confirm that I am about to put this back in the correct order and orientation? I cannot recall and cannot determine the spring orientation and the placement of the small rubber cup. the linkage, spring clip, and piston are obvious. Thanks for any help

    [IMG]Photo Jan 31, 6 57 42 PM by Peter Buehner, on Flickr[/IMG]

    I did search this topic here and on bikecliff. Someone asked the exact same question but the photo was gone from the thread.

    Page 152 of my GS1000 genuine workshop manual says yes. You do have a genuine manual dont you? Care of Basscliffs website. 1000G one is close enough


      Thanks for the reply. I did look in my manual briefly but only saw the same fiche as on Babbitt's site. It was hard to tell if the smaller end of the spring went first or not. Maybe I missed it. Thanks again


        Heres a view from the manual I have. Pg11-35


        '83 GS850G Daily rider
        '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


          Thanks Burque. I have that same graphic. To me, it almost looked like the narrow end of the spring (#2 on graphic) was going into the master first. Right where the number two is on the diagram is a bit misleading too because it is actually a separate rubber cup and not an integral part of the spring. It is the first place in the manual where the graphic doesn't show that they are two pieces.
          Thanks again. This is a slow, tedious, but fun process for me.



            I was hoping the pic would be a bit larger than it actually came out. That spring in the manual pic doesn't look tapered at all. I'm tempted to pull rear MC from my parts bike and break it down just to see inside it. I won't likely have time today though, but if you're still hung up I'll gladly pull it apart when I get a chance.

            Did you already reassemble it?

            '83 GS850G Daily rider
            '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


              I did reassemble it and it seems fine. If you pull it apart, you will see a very obvious taper to the spring. There is an integral plastic cup on the fat end and a small plastic disc on the narrow end. I found that I didn't need to replace anything inside it. I replaced everything rubber on the front master but saved the money on the rear as the rubber all seemed good. I did order a replacement boot because there was a small crack in it.

              For all of the parts that I have pulled apart thus far (forks, all brakes, wheels, airbox, gas tank), I have found the following to be essential:

              -Evaporust. This stuff is fantastic. I actually just ordered a 5 gallon bucket of it. I have soaked virtually everything in it...sometimes overnight. It eliminates every single bit of rust and also loosens up other grime.
              - a really cheap set of picks and hooks. Great for cleanining hard to reach areas and to loosen up scabbed rust before soaking.
              -scouring pads
              -cheap set of bronze,steel, and plastic brushes
              -snap ring pliers. Yes, you can get those things on and off without them but they are worth the 15 or so dollars.
              -the manual from Bikecliff/Basscliff
              -All of the detailed tutorials on that site. Unreal amount of info and so generous.
              -The willingness of this sites members to give info without being condescending or frustrated...truly unusual for online forums. This is a great community.

              Thanks for all the help and responses Burque73


                The big guy up there rides a Suzuki (this I know)
                1981 gs850gx

                1999 RF900
                past bikes. RF900
                gsx 750f x2
                197cc Francis Barnett
                various British nails


                  Thanks fastbysuzuki! That is exactly what I did. I appreciate the photo confirmation.

