When I first looked at the bike in contemplation of buying it, I noticed that it had an ATK fork brace installed and didn't pay it any mind- now I'm wondering if that's why it was added by the PO. I removed it recently as I was updating the bike to the way I want it, now I have the "wobble". Before we conclude that the brace is what fixed the problem, I took it off because the front wheel felt heavy, like it was "falling over" on very slow tight turns.
My ex- GS850G, which was essentially the same bike, did not have this issue, which is likely why I scored a perfect score in the AMA advanced driving course about 20 years ago.
One more thing- since the day I got the bike I hear and feel a fairly loud "creak" occasionally when I stop hard with too much front brake, and when starting to move the wheel when the bike is parked- definitely coming from the front fork somewhere. That's primarily why I removed the ATK brace, I thought IT was flexing and creaking.
I bought my GS850G with 7k on it and sold it with 26k and it never had this issue so at 17k, my GS1000G (from the original owner) shouldn't be worn out yet.
Just for the record, the previous owner who bought it new had a side car on it for some time which he at least told me about when I went to look at it and subsequently bought it. Don't know if that factors in.
Any input would be appreciated.