When assembled, the forks are pushed out ever so slightly causing brand new fork seals to leak. I have to force the wheel into place with a bit more force than it should take. I think it's because of this gap. Without the bearing in place, it sits flush. The only way I can see to resolve it is to machine down the part of the speedo gear that butts up against the bearing. Thing is, I shouldn't have to... At some point (1978 may have been the last time) everything should have fit together correctly.
It could be that I have the wrong size bearings, but I don't think so. The front end isn't completely original. The forks were identified as 82 GS650E forks in this thread here. It's possible the wheels are also, but that bike uses the same exact bearings as mine... I'm stumped.
There's also an issue where the bearing on the other side doesn't go in all the way with this side's bearing fully seated. I realize the opposite bearing doesn't need to be fully seated, it just needs to touch the inside spacer, but it seems to me it should go in farther than it does.
Speedo Gap by samL9, on Flickr
I'm also missing part# 10 in the fiche. Bike didn't have it when I bought it. Does this cover that gap?
Front Wheel Fiche by samL9, on Flickr