Over the winter I replaced the old, cracked, cloudy sight glass with a watch crystal. I originally used silicone, then epoxy, to hold it in place, but these things didn't hold up well to brake fluid. So I tried again, this time with JB Weld. I set the glass in place then sealed around the edges with the JB. All was well - no leaks and it looked good. I installed it and that was that. Until yesterday. Apparently the JB Weld did not have a good enough grip on the edge of the glass - it was slightly convex so I thought the JB would hold it. Well, it didn't and the glass came loose on one side, allowing the fluid to drain from the reservoir.
So I decided that I was done screwing around with this and I filled the sight glass space completely with JB weld and painted it black. I'll just have to check the fluid level manually on occasion, but I won't have to worry about any more leaks. For those that are unaware, the front reservoir sight glass on the Katana is an oddball size, around 21mm, not the 18mm that almost every other sight glass is. I could not find a replacement anywhere, so the watch crystal seemed the way to go. It's a moot point now.
On a side note - I was looking on EBay at a front MC for an early model Hayabusa. The angle of the reservoir is the same as or close to that on the Katana. The only thing I'm concerned about is the lack of a mirror perch. The Katana has one on the MC handlebar clamp, the Hayabusa does not. The clamp piece from the Katana may or may not fit the Busa so I didn't want to go down that road just for the sake of a sight glass. And it's almost impossible to find a front MC for a 1982 Katana. And they're no longer available OEM.