I'm having trouble getting my rear brake caliper to function properly on my 1980 gs550L. It's a twin piston caliper with one piston on each side of the rotor. Three times now I've been riding along for a while and the rear brake grabs harder and harder until it stalls the bike. The I'm stuck dragging it off the road and pulling the rear caliper off so that I can get the pads out and ride the rest of the way home with just the front brake.
I've cleaned out the calipers pretty thoroughly each time with brake cleaner and compressed air. The second time I replaced all of the seals in the caliper even though they looked fine and were new maybe 150miles/12months ago (i've been working on other stuff so it hasn't been ridden much until recently.) I used a new set of oem pads as well.
The brake line is a stainless line that I made from Earl's braided stainless hose and compression fittings, it's a little bit too long, but it certainly isn't kinking at all.
Tonight I pulled the master cylinder off also and blew it and the caliper out with compressed air and used brake cleaner on the caliper bodies. I'm going to put it all back together tomorrow after I take a look at the pads. I've got another new set if I have to use them, although I'd rather not...
I rebuilt the MC 12 months or so ago with all new OEM rubber.
The only thing I can really see being a problem at this point is a tiny bit of rust on the outside of the caliper pistons.

Do you think that there's enough pitting that that's causing the problem, or do think there's something else going on that I need to deal with?
It would be really nice to not have to worry about winding up on the side of the road in the rain because my brakes seized up...