The seller had mounted a rear Shinko in 130/90/17 size. From what little I rode this bike, it seemed to feel strange ( to me ) on turn in with this size rear. It looks grossly too large for the wheel width. From what I've found online and the factory owners and shop manuals, this bike was supposed to use a rear in 4.25 x 17. I believe that converts most closely to a 110/90/17. Maybe a 120/ 80 or 90 /17 would be fine? Strange, but I can't find the 650G wheel width listed in the manuals. When I get the bike, it's likely stamped on the wheel. The 110 or 120 availability in a 17 in. tire seems to be very limited but I did see a couple on a big tire vendor like Rocky ATV. Most were listed as front tire models I'll also need to replace the front tire as it's very old. ( easy-peasy 100/90/19). I know I'm not going to find front and rear matching brand/model.
What works well for size on the 650G rear?
If I can beg one more ?, I believe I may have to deal with worn wheel drive splines. I know Suzuki still lists an OEM spline. Some here said they robbed them off of used Boulevard 800 model rear wheels. As a possible other option, GS850G wheels seem to be common used. Does the GS850G rear wheel interchange entirely with 650G wheel by chance? I've read on these forums that the pre '81 wheel splines were more durable. Thanks for any insights and info.