i hope you are all well, on the bright side, it's definitely an opportunity to get to those bikes in the shed!
i bought a 1978 GS1000ec some time ago. Anyway so i pulled the carbs and in process of cleaning those properly. While dipping takes some time i though id keep moving, so i start at the front to do the front brakes and put new seals and oil in the shocks. The PO did advise he replaced the front forks, he had a brief conversation with a kangaroo coming out of a corner. i assumed they would be the type/model forks etc though I did notice the different caps. He did give me a bag of spares/ bits, old triple tree, some outer tubes, cylinders, springs, homemade short metal spacers, the original caps, and what think are the long spacers. NOTE: Australia had different forks compared to the US model 51100-49830 & 51100-49840 - compared to 51100-49810 7 51104-4900, also different mainspring, inner cylinder , spacer - everything else is the noted in the parts catalogue )... but i what i need to know is what forks etc are on the bike now
i can’t be sure the outer tubes on the bike are the original ones or form the new forks.. I guess the replacement forks ? Should i worry? the difference i can see if only in shape of the front fender lug/ attachment, they appear to be the same length and width as the spares, the stamped numbers on the inside where the fender fits are different
the outer tubes in the spares box have are stamped X4081 with 1 below in a circle....
the outer tubes on the bike are 3661E and an 8 below that in a circle - see pics
the inner tubes on the bike appear to be the 37mm diameter. are they long or short? i do not know i haven't removed them yet
I’m not sure whether is worth trying to use the old air caps ? for the original look or leave it also, considering those caps seem to have an adjustable thingo inside that presses on a washer than compresses the springs, it might cause much more work to try and go back to the old caps ;-)the ones on there now look to be adjustable for pre loading the springs see pics

the main springs in the inner tube are much longer - see pic so what do i do can anyone ID the springs, is there a stamp somewhere??
the outer tubes what are they off?
not on bike on bike
any suggestions on what i should do - im not concerned about being 100% original, though i like the look of the air caps, safety and function are more important to me.
Sorry for the long post , hopefully there is enough info there for you all to provide some feedback, thank you