I ordered an impact from HF on the 16th this month and it was shipped out, tracking # issued and all that. So I check the tracking on it and the anticipated delivery date is 11 days away. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but I grin and bear it. Well, the date of delivery (the 27th) rolls around and I find out that the package is handed off to USPS and they boomerang my driver BACK to HF for inability to deliver. Well, the problem is that I am going to school so to save some tuition money, I changed my address to my aunt's place since it's in district, but had the driver shipped to where the bike is, in a different town. Well, the USPS normally would forward any mail in my name to that address, but since this is a FedEx package, the forwarding didn't occur.
This is not Harbor Freights fault and I am not saying anything bad about them here. I called them, asked for a refund instead and they gave it to me without a fight. I just didn't feel like waiting for the driver to get back to HF (which was likely another 10-11 days) and then wait all that time over again. In the future however, I realize I will not be shipping anything through FedEx if I am given the option. If all they do is ship via the post office anyway, I will deal with UPS or the post office themselves. I got my o-rings and gaskets via post office no prob, despite the address issue.
Long story short, be wary of shipping address issues if you have a change of address form out there. As I said, this is probably a one off deal and no one else will have it, but if by change it saves someone a month of waiting for an $8 tool, than it serves a purpose.