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what did you wrench on today??

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    Originally posted by WolfworksCustoms View Post
    Oh yeah....cupla folks mentioned to me about the smithing I do...forging, etc.....if there's enough interest in it, I can start a thread in a Misc section (I think theres one) like the projects section....I make sissy bars, custom levers, knives, tools, you name it....dont cost much to start up.... just takes a lot of time and commitment to practice.....I been doin it for 3 yrs now, and Im still learnin....gettin to be a lost art....
    But if you guys want me to start a thread, i will....just dont wanna get yelled at again.....I'll start with how to build a forge, gettin a low cost anvil, etc.....its hard work, but more fun than all heck.....and once ya get a finished product, the rewards are worth more than of a kind....unique....I got metal stamps that i put my logo on with....I can see 50 yrs from now....who the F**k was "wolfworks" ?
    Sounds like a good thread. A few years ago I read a book on casting small metal parts. The author did it professionally, and learned how to do it at home at reasonable prices. Interesting technology.

    “The greatest service this country could render the rest of the world would be to put its own house in order and to make of American civilization an example of decency, humanity, and societal success from which others could derive whatever they might find useful to their own purposes.” George Kennan


      Running a forge and pounding on red hot steel gives ya a feeling I cant even describe....

      Oh yeah....i banged this together a cuple months ago....was gonna be an advert for my shop, but zoning laws wouldnt allow it, even though I SWORE it was "lawn art" now lays in a pile....of wood and steel....heck, I wouldda took $50 bucks for it and broke guy offered $90 but never came thru.....


      I was just playin around woth stuff i had in the yard, and parts i picked up here and there.



          Needed something for the longer tire spoons and the tubes, pump etc... on the the DR600. This seems to have done the trick

          1983 1100ES, 98' ST1100, 02' DR-Z400E and a few other 'bits and pieces'
          Are you on the GSR Google Earth Map yet?


            Thats a scary lookin apparatus Az.....whats it supposed to do ?.....looks like one of them pecker pumps.....plannin on milkin yer bull ? (or elephant ?) was yer post a joke, I hope)...usually a winky denotes that....

            ...and ooooohhhhh Rayman....I see a lotta glazing on them gears.....usually means excessive heat.....long as ya got the cases split and such. make sure ya do the bearings and seals.....


              Originally posted by WolfworksCustoms View Post
              Thats a scary lookin apparatus Az.....whats it supposed to do ?.....looks like one of them pecker pumps.....plannin on milkin yer bull ? (or elephant ?) was yer post a joke, I hope)...usually a winky denotes that....

              ...and ooooohhhhh Rayman....I see a lotta glazing on them gears.....usually means excessive heat.....long as ya got the cases split and such. make sure ya do the bearings and seals.....
              Seriously....What have you added to the conversation here, beside dribble? Keep it constructive or move on.
              83 GS1100g
              2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

              Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


                A pair of TEX door mirrors, as were fitted to millions of British cars in the 70s and 80s (and later, but not so much). Still easily available, new or used and are perfect to fit to a Vetter fairing.
                Got them fitted a few days ago and went for a jaunt. They turn out to be just right - not sticking out much and clearing my arms perfectly. The LH one needs a new glass, and I think I'll get a set of convex glasses for them.

                As daylight faded into dusk and proper night I got the opportunity to see the Koito headlamp perform, also. That's turned out to be a worthwhile fitment too - fitted as standard to Mitsubishi Pajeros and Shoguns of the late 80s / early 90s and a bit of an unsung hero. There's a guy on candlepower reckons it's right up there with the Cibie Z-Beam, but I don't think I'd go that far - it's good, at least.
                ---- Dave

                Only a dog knows why a motorcyclist sticks his head out of a car window


                  Wow, you actually made a Vetter look good.
                  Nice mirrors.


                    I really like the mirrors on that Vetter fairing. One thing to check though. I read somewhere that the glue that they used on the signal light covers is starting to fail after years. The signal light covers then fall off suddenly, never to be found again. I check mine periodically as they would be incredibly hard to find.


                      Originally posted by loud et View Post
                      Wow, you actually made a Vetter look good.
                      Nice mirrors.
                      It's largely function-driven. This started because I wanted to fit an RT fairing to this bike, having used one for a while a long time ago. Halfway through the fitting process I realized I would have to get creative with the instruments (electronic tacho, custom speedo, etc, or just a complete new console) and the BMW mid and lower mounting points started to appear less straightforward than I'd assumed. I still have the RT fairing, but now I'm thinking of just fitting it to a brick, where no customising would be needed.
                      About then, I realised that Vetters were going for pennies and time had been kind to them. [1] Ok, beauty being in the eye of the beerholder and my tastes being firmly stuck in the 70s and 80s, that suited me fine. It turns out the Vetter is a damn fine fairing at doing its job - it seems that Craig Vetter knew what he was doing, unlike some of the other fairing makers of that period, some of whose products I've suffered behind.
                      On the RT fairing scale I'd give this 8/10 and that only because the PO had chopped a couple of inches off the screen and the foot shielding is lacking. Without two damn great cylinders warming my feet, it's never going to be quite as good as that was.
                      I can address both of those issues over the rest of the winter - the shield works perfectly well above 70mph, with no buffeting and draughting, and only allows a light breeze to my face below that. I can add an extender to both lowers or mount panels to the case guards to take care of the feet cooling and wetness.

                      [1] A Windjammer made sense largely because of its universal fitment and parts are still easily found, used or new. Also, it's a 'period accessory', so looks right at home.

                      Originally posted by Phred View Post
                      I really like the mirrors on that Vetter fairing. One thing to check though. I read somewhere that the glue that they used on the signal light covers is starting to fail after years. The signal light covers then fall off suddenly, never to be found again. I check mine periodically as they would be incredibly hard to find.
                      A pair of used signal light covers were the first spares I bought - along with a spare wiring harness. I'd read on CV's site about the problem, and thought I'd best be prepared.
                      ---- Dave

                      Only a dog knows why a motorcyclist sticks his head out of a car window


                        In my seemingly never ending quest to keep the oil *in* the 450, I replaced the clutch pushrod seal during the service yesterday.

                        And yes that is RTV around the shifting shaft seal, while I was pretty certain it wasn't leaking I thought it best to be sure... that was last service...

                        1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                        1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


                        450 Refresh thread:

                        Katana 7/11 thread:


                          Replaced the rad in the 300M today. I was able to swap it without having to break the A/C system. I still need to pickup a thermostat, gasket and a couple of plastic rivets for the upper tie bar so I can finish putting it back together.

                          Not only were several of the coolant tubes in the radiator expanded and the core bowed, the passenger side tank was also split.

                          De-stinking Penelope



                            New Shinko 705 rear tire for the vStrom. The old one still probably had another 1k miles left but I was happy with almost 6k out of the rear 705 dual sport tire.
                            A 20 mile scrub in in the 35 degree weather, but the wind was gusty blowing things around.


                              Nice idea! If I ever get tired of leaning into the wind, I'll try finding some mirrors like thatt.

                              83 GS1100g
                              2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

                              Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


                                Those mirrors look good!
                                I've been looking for a fairing mount mirror since I picked up Vetter's Hippo hands for my 850. The mirrors on the handlebars protrude through the hippos and have to be removed to remove the hippos which makes the process too long for me.
                                I checked Ebay and looks to be almost $150 Can. by the time I got them to the house so,, a little steep for me.

