Damn, now I just want to ride it.
Spent yesterday and today doing some work on Swambo's grocery getter and my e30, both needed the heaters ixing, as its getting bloody freezing here in the mornings now, and I am tired of arriving at the airport suffering from hypothermia every day.
The Renault Scenic was a quick fix, undid the two hoses to the heater box on the engine side of the firewall, inserted hose pipe and back flushed all the cr@p out, works like a charm now.
My e30, not so much, On loosening the two pipes that lead to the heater box from the nylon/plastic rail on the side of the engine, it became immediately apparent that common rail had seen better days as it crumbled at the fittings as I removed the pipes.
BMW will want a kings ransom for a new one, so this morning it was off to the hardware store, for a few plastic plumbing fittings and some Pratleys steel, two mix epoxy to repair the fittings.

It never rains, it just pours, after inserting hose pipe to back flush, it became very clear that there was next to zero flow, with the water just trickling out the other pipe.
After an hour, another thing became very clear, it was not going to work, whatever cr@p/sludge/muck was in there was not budging and the heater radiator would have to come out.
This is what I had been hoping to avoid, after an hour under the dash, I emerged victorious with heater radiator in very cut and scratched and now in cramps hand.
Not only does it pour, its a fvkn Tsunami.

Within seconds of inserting hose pipe into radiator, within seconds, it became clear that the radiator was clean as a whistle and water flowed freely without impedance. Arrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh.

Heater valve was the culprit, small mercy, I would have had to remove radiator to access heater valve anyway, R2500 ($230) from BMW and it forms an integral part of a piece of the nylon/plastic pipe that leads to the heater radiator. (Not going to happen)
Drilled out rivets, removed valve, made up blanking plate, and installed O-ring to blank off, so now I will have full time hot air set to max.

Tomorrow, reassemble everything.