This bike has some 45000 miles on it, about 15000 of those while I owned it. It is the smoothest running and slickest shifting GS850 I have owned. I swear, the trans isn't fully broken in until 30000 miles on these beasts. It can use a rebuild on the tach drive. It has a decent leak there, and I definitely reused the valve cover gasket one or two many dimes past its ideal useful life, but it is a solid well used reasonably well cared for ready to ride bike. I put a nice used stock exhaust system on it purchased off this list in 2011, after the old one showed some rust throughs.
I gave it to one of my cool brothers in law. He and my sister are not super prosperous right now, and are fighting a lot of student debt from their daughter. I would drive it anywhere, right now. It is the first one that I modified the charging system on, and I do it a bit differently now, but it still charges fine.
I enjoyed giving it away to someone who will use and appreciate it far more than I would have enjoyed waiting for a$$ holes to come over to try to get me down to $500 for it. My sister is thrilled, they have been wanting to ride for years, and its a turn key tourer.