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A trip to the Suzuki (?) dealer
A trip to the Suzuki (?) dealer
Decided to stop by the local dealer while I was out for a spin yesterday. This place is outside of town several miles, along the interstate and as I was nearing the place I caught up with what I figured to be a Harley. What a surprise when he turned into the Suzuki/Yamaha/Victory dealer, turned out to be a Victory though it really dosen't matter since they are all the same to me. After looking through the showroom full of crotch rockets and Harley wanta be bikes, I couldn't figure out why I even stopped to look. The only thing even mildly interesting to me were the Vstroms and they really aren't my cup of tea either. Must be getting too old, used to enjoy looking at what was out there new, but now I am more interested in looking at someones nice old bike than the latest stuff. The other thing that is a dissappointment is the dealers these days are all glitter and not friendly like I remember as a kid, when we used to spend hours hanging out talking bikes and whatever. I miss the good old days, never thought that I would feel this way. Glad we have this place to visit. Ray"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded" -Yogi Berra
GS Valve Shim Club
1978 GS1000EC Back home with DJ
1979 GS1000SN The new hope
1986 VFR700F2 RecycledTags: None
i stopped at mine last Friday to get a chain on order for the Honda and looked around. The kawa's were pretty interesting this year but gone are the bandits. The closest thing to a GS is the 500F. At least it is air cooled and carbed. THe sales staff are decent people, not used car types. It is a successful dealership so they don't try to bled everyone, they make enough to pay their bills.
The salesman told me many people want "older looking" bikes, not cafe racers. Too intimidating and expensive. 180mph speedos, downhill skiing riding positions, insane insurance costs, and no passenger room.
Over on the other side you have V-Twin harley lookalikes with 2000 cc motors that weigh more than my Escort. 30 mpg if your lucky and inpossible to safely back down a hill unless your really strong.
ANd nothing in the middle.....
This is not a slam to those who bought those bikes, it is a sad lament on what bike manufacturers think we want to buy. It does explain why classic GS bikes in good to excellent condition are fetching more money today. I would not loose too much on mine I reckon.1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 44512
- Brooksville Fl.
yeah, used to be bike dealers/shops were like a club. Everyone was friendly and had something in common. Now, they're more like fast food places and no one cares whether you come in the door or not and they prefer you dont bother them if you do.
Originally posted by Ghostgs1Decided to stop by the local dealer while I was out for a spin yesterday. This place is outside of town several miles, along the interstate and as I was nearing the place I caught up with what I figured to be a Harley. What a surprise when he turned into the Suzuki/Yamaha/Victory dealer, turned out to be a Victory though it really dosen't matter since they are all the same to me. After looking through the showroom full of crotch rockets and Harley wanta be bikes, I couldn't figure out why I even stopped to look. The only thing even mildly interesting to me were the Vstroms and they really aren't my cup of tea either. Must be getting too old, used to enjoy looking at what was out there new, but now I am more interested in looking at someones nice old bike than the latest stuff. The other thing that is a dissappointment is the dealers these days are all glitter and not friendly like I remember as a kid, when we used to spend hours hanging out talking bikes and whatever. I miss the good old days, never thought that I would feel this way. Glad we have this place to visit. RayKomorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Desolation Angel
I went to the local Kawasaki/Suzuki/Aprilia dealership yesterday to blow off a little time and blow out the Bandit's carbs. I liked 3 things they had. A black Buell 500 thumper, the Ninja 250, and my favorite was a red/black Vulcan 750.
Best looking early '80s style cruiser out there IMHO, that Vulcan! It truly tempts me as a second bike. I just don't know if I could be happy with a 2 cylinder 750 after the Bandit. Then, I did have quite a bit of fun on my 450TX.
That 750 sure was nicely made. Very nice workmanship. Looked expensive without actually being so.
The Harley dealer I went to seemed nice, but it was a Sunday so it was just an expensive gift shop. The only other Bike place I went to, I seemed to have interupted their conversation, so I only spent about 30seconds there and will never go back. Shame, the building use to be a really nice Porsche Mechanic, but they went out of business. Funny how he was nicer to be me when they fixed the $100g Lambos and Ferraris filling there large garage; than a bike place that sold <$10g bikes.
Desolation Angel
Originally posted by LlamaguyThe Harley dealer I went to seemed nice, but it was a Sunday so it was just an expensive gift shop. The only other Bike place I went to, I seemed to have interupted their conversation, so I only spent about 30seconds there and will never go back. Shame, the building use to be a really nice Porsche Mechanic, but they went out of business. Funny how he was nicer to be me when they fixed the $100g Lambos and Ferraris filling there large garage; than a bike place that sold <$10g bikes.
Ond of the Kawa/Honda dealers has been ariound for years.
JR took it over from Dad.
I've known them both for 25+ years. Never bought a bike from them, plenty of parts though.
Everyone gets treated with respect. One of the few dealers with morals.
Kids don't get CBR1000 or ZX-10/14 without a few years experience.
They are also one of the largest promoters of the MSF course around.
The "other" guys just want to sell.
I guess that's the difference bewteen family owned and corporate owned.Keith
1980 GS1000S, blue and white
2015Triumph Trophy SE
Ever notice you never see a motorcycle parked in front of a psychiatrist office?
Customer service?
One of the things I have learned firsthand now being in the eatery business now is not to prejudge people (Customers).
There used to be a first-rate bike shop back in Port. OR. that was the epitome of the 'local' shop...they had a newsletter they mailed out, the place was run/owned by a racer of many years. It was "the" place to hang out & talk bikes...Of course the place was sold & the people and the air of it all changed for the worst.
Here in Argentina, or anywhere else for that matter; you can't judge a customer on any preconceived(sp?) notions. We have a frail little old lady with old tattered clothes who buys food regularly at our store....little did we know she is a local Real-Estate mogul who just happens to dress down.
Conversely a few days ago a well dressed snooty family came in and ordered a mere $.60 of food....quite the opposite....poor but...well dressed.
__________________________________________Rick.... ....
It's funny with a thread like this.
We just stopped by a few shops this past weekend.
Went by the Hardley shop to pick up some S100 and look at helmets for Donna.
Into the Honda/Kawasaki shop for me to drool over the Concours.
Drove right by the BMW shop.
I went there once with a quick question and it took like almost 10 minutes to even get any attention. Never go there again.
Our Hardley shop is decent and not demeaning to our bikes, surprise.
The Honda/Kaw. shop were decent people and will probably go back but never to the BMW.
I remember about how bike shops used to be on no matter what you rode they were happy to see you and chat.
Not anymore but alot of businesses that used to be so customer friendly ain't anymore.Doug aka crag antler
83GS1100E, gone
2000 Kawasaki Concours
Please wear ATGATT
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 17921
- The only Henniker on earth
There are many new bikes out I lust after, so a trip to the dealer is still interesting to me.
Here in Manchester NH we have a shop called MOM's- Motorcycles of Manchester. The only brand they are licensed to distribute is some Korean brand I have seen taked about here a few times (can't remember the name), they make some real cheap knockoffs of the Honda Rebel and Suzuki SV's. However, they have hundreds of used bikes on the floor. I've seen some old GS's, Kaws, Hondas, Goldwings, Concourse, Aprillias, Harleys- everything you can imagine, just used. That's the best shop I have been to when you want to drool over bikes, so much to look at.
I find that the customer service aspect is a non-issue for me. I'm not much for shooting the schit, and I do all my research on purchases on-line. I rarely know less than the salesman when I buy something that costs over $100. But what does get my goat is a parts counter that doesn't know as much as I do. I went to buy some crush washers last year and the guy at the parts counter didn't know what I was talking about! So I ordered on-line.Currently bikeless
'81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
'06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."
I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.
"Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt
Originally posted by JethroThe only brand they are licensed to distribute is some Korean brand
I wouldn't mind having one, supposing they rode well. The only problem is they are still new and aren't available, plus parts would be a bitch. Maybe in a few years once they get going.
They aren't complete knock offs, they just happen to still have the machines to make them from when Suzuki contracted them. Review
great shop
I have rode a little of everything, Kawas, Suzuki, Honda, Harley's and even a BMW. Right now I have a Harley and the GS. I recently went to a Harley dealer and was treated like a idiot. So I went down street to a little shop that works on Harley's and sells a few used bikes but because I didn't have long hair and my tattoos can be covered by a short sleeve shirt I wasn't welcome. Finally stopped at a little shop that has a few jap bikes out in front and looked like a nice shop. The guy treated me like family and took time out to drink a coke and visit. He introduced me to his wife (who does his book work) and his other mechanic, who dropped what he was doing and came over to visit. They showed me around their shop, looked up some parts on an old microfish (or what ever you call it) for me and ended up ordering me some parts and some tires. I actually felt welcome and felt like they actually wanted me to come back and visit again. They offered free advice on what to do and not to do on my restore, said they would help me any way they could. I can tell you this, his prices may not compete with corporate shops but he got a customer for life. I will pay a little extra just to be able to hang out at shop that felt like the old days, when it was about the bikes and not the money.\\/
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 44512
- Brooksville Fl.
Sounds like that shop has the right idea. The word will get around and he'll do OK
Originally posted by TurtleI have rode a little of everything, Kawas, Suzuki, Honda, Harley's and even a BMW. Right now I have a Harley and the GS. I recently went to a Harley dealer and was treated like a idiot. So I went down street to a little shop that works on Harley's and sells a few used bikes but because I didn't have long hair and my tattoos can be covered by a short sleeve shirt I wasn't welcome. Finally stopped at a little shop that has a few jap bikes out in front and looked like a nice shop. The guy treated me like family and took time out to drink a coke and visit. He introduced me to his wife (who does his book work) and his other mechanic, who dropped what he was doing and came over to visit. They showed me around their shop, looked up some parts on an old microfish (or what ever you call it) for me and ended up ordering me some parts and some tires. I actually felt welcome and felt like they actually wanted me to come back and visit again. They offered free advice on what to do and not to do on my restore, said they would help me any way they could. I can tell you this, his prices may not compete with corporate shops but he got a customer for life. I will pay a little extra just to be able to hang out at shop that felt like the old days, when it was about the bikes and not the money.\\/
GaryKomorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
the shop I frequent is a 20 minute drive. I have a Honda shop 2 minutes away, unfortunately a GS is like pearls to pigs to them. Next to the distant bike shop is a M/C scrapyard. Nice guys, very helpful. They see me from time to time and are starting to give me decent prices for Honda parts. They view returning customers as value added relationships. After all, they need to keep old bike owners on the road or we will buy new machines.
I only wish they were closer. I have to fight traffic and highway idiots to get there.1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Forum LongTimerBard Award Winner
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- Jul 2005
- 15156
- Marysville, Michigan
needed a 2.55mm shim for my gs and i called the local dealer they did not have one in stock, which i didn't think they would have, so i called a little m/c recycle yard near where I used to live, talked to the counterman and he said he would check with his tech, every time i called he was busy so i though i would stop on the way home, got there and they had people lined up! when it got to be my turn he called the tech to the counter and he took me out back to look a couple of heads (they had a crap load of used engine parts on the shelf) and proceeded to strip heads till he found the one i needed! this was the first time i had been there in about 13 years of living 1-1/2 miles away, I was treated like family. plus charged me 2.00 for it!
A little plug here emc cycle Yale, Mich.
oh yeh i've worked as a partsman at an auto dealer for 32 years now so i know the difference between good and bad service.Last edited by rustybronco; 04-05-2006, 02:14 PM.