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Well, that was embarrasing....

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    Well, that was embarrasing....

    Rode the bike to work yesterday afternoon...made it about 100 feet before it died. After swearing and cranking and wondering for a while, discovered it was out of gas...which was a bit of a surprise since I'd filled it up in the fall and only rode twice over the winter, not enough to drain the tank dry. Had to have a coworker drive me home and then the wife took me and the gas can back to the bike. First thing I hear at work is "so, how's the bike?" sigh.

    don't forget: if that gas 'disappeared' like that, there's a good chance it went into the crankcase. CHECK. If you have the slightest doubt, change the oil right away. BAD things can happen if you try to run on dilluted oil/gas mixture I would imagine.


      Originally posted by wharrah
      don't forget: if that gas 'disappeared' like that, there's a good chance it went into the crankcase. CHECK. If you have the slightest doubt, change the oil right away. BAD things can happen if you try to run on dilluted oil/gas mixture I would imagine.
      Good reason to run your tank alomst empty before putting it away for the winter.........


        Originally posted by Rake78GS
        Good reason to run your tank alomst empty before putting it away for the winter.........
        Yikes, an empty or almost empty tank is the worst thing you can do. At least out West where it isn't below freezing all winter. You get condensation inside the tank as the temperature goes up and down. Come spring time you then have a lovely tank full of rust. Rust and things like carburetor jets don't play well together.


          +1 Ridealot

 empty tank sittin' is terrible - you'll have nothing but problems if any rust ever starts up at all...leave it full and throw in stabilizer


            Just ride it year round.

            Do check your crankcase as that is the liking new residence of you tank of gas.


              Don't own no new fangled battery tender, jus usen the start button now and then, it only seems to work when i suit up though, oh well i need the fresh air any who.
              RIDE IT!
              De-stinking Penelope



                Originally posted by katoranger
                Just ride it year round.
                Do understand that riding in -40 is generally not a fun experience so parking it is usually inevitable (for at least 4 months of the year for some of us)


                  We get to ride year round in Texas but,since we don't get to ride souped up snowmobiles, we just have make do with our bikes . Oh yeah, I vote for a full tank with a fuel stabilizer. And DO change that oil before you ride or you may find yourself changing a head gasket. Better check your petcock condition too. That may be where your gas went.

