Instead of having the usual extreme pleasure of waiting at the DMV for an hour or more,
AFTER waiting on line for 15-30 minutes or more to get a number to wait some more,
in the past month or so they added a new "fee" of $3.00 to use the self-service machine!!!!!!!

Four years ago, it was a simple $33.00 to renew your tag/registration with an $8.00 tax.
It now breaks down as this:
Registration fee: $33.00
Government Services tax: $16.00
Motorcycle safety "fee" (tax): $6.00
Processong "fee" (tax): $3.00
Some of my Cars/Trucks now cost LESS than Motorcycles!
They have cut services and raised everything else!!!
Yes, I realize that I am preaching to the choir as far as our Canadian friends are concerned but,
this has almost increased 50% in the past four stinkin' years!
The State Governor 2 terms ago, gave back all of the collected taxes for tags/registrations as a refund check to everyone as he had a positive state budget balance sheet.
And the last two Governors have had a deficit!!!!
So, a new improved way to "fee" (tax) the middle class besides stepping up speeding violation enforcements (and thus purchasing new cars/motorcycles for LEO's).
So, the next one, gets mailed in and they can spend their time/effort pushing the papers around and mailing it back
instead of getting a free paid vacation to sit on their butts and let the machines collect their wages for them!

I am p*ssed off!
Rant over.
Don't forget to do what you should be doing this November everyone.
(Eat a Turkey or Ham. Of course.)