I have been sorting the mess down there for a few days and its shocking how many thousands of dollars worth of screws and nails I have.
There is enough remnant paint to do half the house thought he colour would be odd.
I have a Rubbermaid tote full of fine steel wool. Why is that here? What enters the mind to make anyone want to corner the world market and then give up.
then there's the 550 engine that never made it to the bench. A good reminder to get the cylinders bored to fit the wiseco kit I bought for it with a 400 USD price tag still on it. 400 1980s dollars.
5 totes of bike spares from before the temporary (now permanent) shipping surcharge made getting stuff costlier than buying it.
Why two sometimes 3 of every power tool? All corded and unused sulking about the lipo powered saw and drill.
Is it cos my mother was a depression legacy baby? Just like the discovery of Iron the great depression didn't leave every region at once.
a mason jar of 1986 vintage weed. stills smells weedy but when I opened it dull slow thinking muttering souls ambled out.
My vise good god clearly ive no need of it as it still has its jaws out awaiting my arduous trek through the death trap pages of amazon to order new screws.
a giant tote of DVDs and VHS tapes 3 vcrs 2 dvd players and so many cables Im in danger of crack heads invading for the copper.
78 rpm records of negro spiritual form the 30s and a hand crank phonograph.
A piece of drywall just in case thet stop making drywall. more drywall tools than many contractors own and certainly more than one could carry.
A regulation snooker table and a grand ( not baby had one tried to put it in a corner things got ugly ) piano.
Gonna sit at the piano now maybe ill die here i make a great prop.