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clutch won't engage
clutch won't engage
So guys, did a search and couldn't find much on this problem. Went down and worked on Matt-Indiana's 79 850. He had got it not long ago and took it out for a ride around his neighborhood, the front brake froze up on him, he tried to make it home, but bike died going up a hill and he had to push it home. Got the bike to start after a new battery and some minor adjustments to carbs. It seems to run well and strong, although we were not able to ride it as the clutch will not engage. It shifts easily in first 3 gears and neutral (although wouldn't shift up to 4th or 5th) But put it in gear and release clutch and nothing happens. Cable seems to be moving clutch lever on side cover (also had been shifting gears fine before his break down). Took side cover off and removed bolts and springs, and plates. Metal plates are dirty and some even darken a little, fiber ones don't appear to missing any fiber. I ran out of time so didn't have time to measure the plates yet. Basket looks good, grooves looked fine. Thrust bearing looked ok, and clutch release shaft doesn't looked damaged and lines up fine with gear inside side cover. Will try to get down to bike again this Sunday and clean and measure all plates and springs. He also has a 80 850 that we could use for parts if same springs and plates on it. Any other ideas on what could cause this? Sorry for the long winded post. terryleeTags: None
You know I didn't even think to look will do so next Sun. So is your thought that maybe it's going into gear but no power is making it to the drive shaft? terrylee
Thanks! I will check all that out for him. At least his clutch plates will be measured and cleaned when I get done. He does have a 80 850 parts bike, do you know if drive parts would fit the 79? terrylee
Hey Terrylee, I just thought maybe we should share that the kick-starter stopped working when the bike broke down..............Thanks a million
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- Marysville, Michigan
Matt, I've been trying to think what the kick starter and clutch system have in common but I can't think of anything. Have you tried putting it in gear and turning the inner clutch hub?
Went down to Bedford to help out Matt with the clutch problem. First test was to turn clutch basket and back wheel turned fine. Started measuring the clutch plates and got half thru them and four of the fiber drive plates had no fiber, were down to the metal. Took the plates out of the 80' 850 parts bike measured them and close but still in spec., measured springs-again close but still in spec. Put all back together and although it hit kind of hard when going from neutral to first, it shifted and he test drove it and it shifted through all the gears. Adjusted the cable a little and then bike didn't want to shift as easily. Tried tightening cable, loosing cable and never could get it to easily shift, especially trying to get it out of first. I'm thinking new cable or new springs? any ideas greatly welcomed, getting really close getting bike so all we need to do is get the carbs adjusted alittle better and some brake work and he can have a bike to commute to work. terrylee
I'm not down at Matt's any longer I'll pm him and see if he can. I just had a thought, which way do the metal plates face, with the flat side facing in or out towards the bike? I'm wondering if I might have put them in backwards, and if so would that be enough to cause this kind of problem? Thanks for the help Rusty! terrylee
No, I didn't , guess I will be the next trip down. Guess I shouldn't have been so happy they fit and were all in spec. and checked that before putting all back together...terrylee
I hope this pic is what you needed rustybronco, if not let me know. I moved the bike over to pull the car in.........tank emptied in floor, petcock was set to on....lost at least 2 gallons...dang it ta heck......LOL I have looked everywhere (online) for a petcock, only ones I am finding are non stock and would require modifications. So I guess I will let you pick the one you think will be easiest to install and/or least expensive to get.