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Lower-end noise from my GS850 daily driver

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    Originally posted by rustybronco View Post
    Not necessarily; it could be normal wear. Any pictures of said suspect aluminum particles?
    long screw in a short hole on the clutch cover will have a "lathe" affect on some GS clutch basket's(1100/1150) for sure.
    will add a noticeable amount of aluminum in the pan.
    just sayin


      Originally posted by blowerbike View Post
      long screw in a short hole on the clutch cover will have a "lathe" affect on some GS clutch basket's(1100/1150) for sure.
      will add a noticeable amount of aluminum in the pan.
      just sayin
      I found that out that hard way. Took several oil changes to flush out all the flakes of metal.


        Roger that!

        It's just that he didn't mention these aluminum particles until later on in the thread. Made me think there might not be enough of them to be concerned with, especially after having to settle in the pan overnight before catching a glimpse of them.

        Left the waste oil in the pan overnight to let it settle and I didn't like what I saw when I poured it into the jug.
        Who knows what kind of service this bike has seen, nor the time line of the oil change AND, if I recall correctly, there was some engine side cover damage at one point in time...
        De-stinking Penelope


          Originally posted by rustybronco View Post
          Roger that!

          It's just that he didn't mention these aluminum particles until later on in the thread. Made me think there might not be enough of them to be concerned with, especially after having to settle in the pan overnight before catching a glimpse of them.

          Who knows what kind of service this bike has seen, nor the time line of the oil change AND, if I recall correctly, there was some engine side cover damage at one point in time...
          Yupper, will try to add pics later on today. I can add the following details now, though...

          I've kept up with oil changes over the years, and played around with the type of oil, but now use Mobile 1 exclusively. It's more a warm fuzzy than anything else, plus habit from living in Phoenix for years and believing that synthetic oil might be better in the heat. I tend to change the oil/filter about 3 times/year.

          I've seen sludge in the bottom of the used oil pan from time to time, but nothing like this. I didn't mention it earlier because I was days into the troubleshooting process before I even drained the oil.

          And if makes any difference on the clutch-lathe possibility, this is the first I've ever removed those clutch cover screws, so however they were, they've been in position for years.

          Anyhoo, like I said, I'll try to capture a pic later and appreciate you guys stickin' with me on this despite my schedule that has me working so slowly!

          This girl and I have been through a lot together (including after the aforementioned "side cover damage" from a couple of years ago that involved a shattered ignition and cover for her and 4 broken ribs for me) - she's been very faithful through the years and I'm determined to figure out what's happened.


            Originally posted by Roostabunny View Post
            This girl and I have been through a lot together (including after the aforementioned "side cover damage" from a couple of years ago that involved a shattered ignition and cover for her and 4 broken ribs for me)
            With the busted ribs, did you learn any new jokes?

            Life is too short to ride an L.


              I didn't see it here but did you check the exhaust bolts and gaskets? When I broke one of mine it sounded very similar to what I heard on your video. Any bolts that are loose or defective gaskets can give you an alarming metallic sound.



                Quick post - don't have time to upload pics at the moment, but wanted to let you guys know that I found my clutch hub nut loose. Clutch is removed and I think the hub is the aluminum donor. Will post pics in the AM, but now thinking about how to rebuild this clutch right as long as I've got it apart and probably need to at least replace the hub.

                I think this is really good news compared to connecting rod thrust washers that my mis-identification of the metal flakes led us to.


                  I have a clutch basket and should still have the hub as well. I'd look and see but I just closed up the garage for the night.
                  De-stinking Penelope



                    Originally posted by bbjumper View Post
                    I didn't see it here but did you check the exhaust bolts and gaskets? When I broke one of mine it sounded very similar to what I heard on your video. Any bolts that are loose or defective gaskets can give you an alarming metallic sound.

                    Ha, you mean the cast flange thingies? Yeah, had one rattle loose years ago before I realized that the PO had forced an odd sized bolt in there, apparently too lazy or clueless to remove the remnant of the broken bolt that was still stuck in the head.

                    Anyway, good thought, cause that made an awful racket between the exhaust leak and the flange bouncing around on the header, but this was definitely coming from inside the engine.

                    Oh, and I did manage to get the broken bolt out of there with patience, a steady hand, and a really long drill bit.


                      Originally posted by rustybronco View Post
                      I have a clutch basket and should still have the hub as well. I'd look and see but I just closed up the garage for the night.
                      No prob, man! Really interested so let me know what you have available whenever you have time.

                      Side note - I think I'm also going to pick up...
                      "Folding" lock washer
                      Piano Wire Clip

                      I'll check the springs against the spec before I order. Other pieces I should think about upgrading or replacing?


                        Youtube link...

                        This looks to be the root cause of the problem...

                        This was how I found it.

                        More pics coming - just pressed for time.


                          not to be a bobby buzz kill but i have never heard sounds like yours from the hub nut being loose.
                          unfold the tab and impact it tight and fold the tab over in 2 spots and fire it up.
                          let us know.

                          you might want to pull the complete assembly while it's open and have a look around.


                            Originally posted by blowerbike View Post
                            you might want to pull the complete assembly while it's open and have a look around.
                            Yupper - pull apart is what I've done.

                            But first, the oil pan (exciting, I know) ...

                            A better pic of the silver flakes...

                            And swiped with a paper towel - clearly not brass, sorry!


                              Did the criss-cross pattern on these 10mm bolts to evenly relieve the tension on the springs.

                              First view...

                              Back side of the pressure plate.

                              Release rack and bearing.


                              Clutch plate example

                              And the big shot - I think this is the source of donor aluminum.


                                A little more detail...

                                A friend saw the previous pic of the hub and didn't think it looked abnormal. He hasn't seen in it person, so he may be seeing wear spots instead of the impressions that I'm seeing. Either way, he mentioned to look for damage at the splines of the hub, and I think you can see that in these pics as well.

