Hello, I have an neat Idea iv cooked up, Well at least I think so..Anyone out there planning on repainting your bike? I have an experimental procedure Iv tried a few times where using a computer graphics editing
program ,some skill and luck I have been able to simulate what a bike would look like with a new paint job of a given color. I got into computer graphics as a hobby long before I got into bikes, I still like do
mess with computer graphics off and on. If you are considering re-painting your machine I could try a simulation for you..Of course this isn't an exact science, so think of it as more of a preview just to
give you the general Idea. So If anyone is interested, reply to this topic and we will take it from there Note: I probably will only do a few of these, if that many. So its first come first served, So if I cant do
a simulation for you its nothing personal. (I don't really expect a large response anyway) I would need A high resolution picture of your bike , and also a picture of a sample piece of something with the color
your considering using (preferably under the same lighting conditions would be ideal). what you will get after im
finished Is a graphics file in your e-mail of a simulated paint job in your color choice (before hand specify what parts are to be painted what color). Now please note!!, I'm not a professional so this
simulation is likely not to be really accurate, its more for fun than anything else. (yeah its cold outside and im bored!) so..if anyone is interested please reply to this message (No E-mails yet please!!)
and we'll work out the details.