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Just how bad is 2k paint?

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    Just how bad is 2k paint?

    Hello everyone, I tried a search but couldn't narrow it down enough. I just got some 2k paint and clear because I knew 2k stuff is the best to use, but to be honest I never really paid much attention to how toxic it is supposed to be until just now when I read a thread somewhere else saying that the bloke would need very understanding neighbours and would likely get prosecuted by the environment people. Now my neighbours are b*st*rds and I don't need to get prosecuted for anything at the moment, so, How bad is the stuff? I'll just be doing the tank and it will be in my shed, how long does the smell hang around? I've rattle canned and fibreglassed in my garden before and get the creosote out every summer, is this stuff much worse? Thanks in advance, for good news and bad, though preferably good.

    Originally posted by EvilEnfield View Post
    Hello everyone, I tried a search but couldn't narrow it down enough. I just got some 2k paint and clear because I knew 2k stuff is the best to use, but to be honest I never really paid much attention to how toxic it is supposed to be until just now when I read a thread somewhere else saying that the bloke would need very understanding neighbours and would likely get prosecuted by the environment people. Now my neighbours are b*st*rds and I don't need to get prosecuted for anything at the moment, so, How bad is the stuff? I'll just be doing the tank and it will be in my shed, how long does the smell hang around? I've rattle canned and fibreglassed in my garden before and get the creosote out every summer, is this stuff much worse? Thanks in advance, for good news and bad, though preferably good.
    The smell shouldn't hang around any longer than your normal rattle can stuff. However the paint is highly carcinogenic. Please protect your lungs and skin while spraying or in the area of.
    De-stinking Penelope


      Just aim the overspray at you neighbor, he'll die before he can sue you.

      Life is too short to ride an L.


        Cheers, forgot to say I have a mask with a hose that goes straight outside that I usually use when I'm welding in there. tkent, I would love to murder my neighbours to enable a perfect paint job, any excuse will do, but there are just too many of them, like a zombie outbreak of new Audi and 5 series BMW owners.

